Service Provider Compliance with Regional Center Service Agreement:
An Exploratory Study
Student Name
To guide you in effectively introducing the larger problem of practice, your organization and the stakeholder group(s) of focus, this template has been designed with comprehensive APA-level headings and subheadings.
Use them as they are, do not change those for your Chapter 1.
A guiding paragraph for each heading and subheading has been provided along with a worked example. Please delete the guiding paragraph in blue and replace worked example in black with your own narrative.
For more efficient space usage, the worked example is in single-spaced paragraph format. Please include your narrative in double-spaced paragraph format.
Be sure that your narrative is adapted for your specific circumstances.
A Dissertation Proposal Presented to the
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree
Month Year
Copyright 201X Student Name
Acknowledgements (Double-Spaced)
Write your acknowledgements here, no more than two pages.
Table of Contents (Single-Spaced)
List of Tables 4
List of Figures 5
Abstract 6
Chapter One: Introduction 7
Subheading 7
Subheading 7
Subheading 7
Chapter Two: Literature Review 8
Subheading 8
Subheading 8
Subheading- level two 8
Subheading- level three 8
Subheading- level three 8
Subheading- level two 8
Subheading- level two 8
Summary 8
Chapter Three: Methodology 9
Subheading 9
Subheading- level two 9
Subheading- level two 9
Subheading 9
Chapter Four: Results 10
Subheading 10
Subheading- level two 10
Subheading- level two 10
Subheading 10
Summary 10
Chapter Five: Discussion 11
Subheading 11
Subheading 11
Subheading 11
Conclusions 11
References 12
Appendix A 13
List of Tables (Double-Spaced)
Table 1: Table Name Here, Sentence Case Page Number Here
Table 2: Table Name Here, Sentence Case Page Number Here
Table 3: Table Name Here, Sentence Case Page Number Here
List of Figures (Double-Spaced)
Figure A: Figure Name Here, Sentence Case Page Number Here
Figure B: Figure Name Here, Sentence Case Page Number Here
Figure C: Figure Name Here, Sentence Case Page Number Here
Write your abstract here. The abstract should not include indentation, it should be double-spaced and contain between 150 and 250 words. Present your entire abstract as a single paragraph.
Chapter One: Introduction
In every field, there are a number of common and generalized problems of practice. These problems are related to, but go beyond, specific organizational or contextual problems (we refer to them as macro-level problems). For instance, retention of students of color in STEM majors is of importance in many different educational contexts and is related to more specific problems experienced by different organizations. In this one paragraph section, clearly and succinctly state the generalized, non-organization-specific problem of practice you have chosen as the focus of your study. Use statistics and research that support your statement that this is indeed a problem of practice. What evidence exists that this is a problem of practice?
Autism spectrum disorders represent one of the fastest-growing disability categories in the world, affecting nearly 1.5 million individuals in the United States (Cimera & Cowan, 2009). Support and intervention service programs can help young adults with autism as they transition into adulthood. Funding sources such as regional centers and the Department of Rehabilitation have created service provider requirements to meet the goal of effective transition into adulthood. However, according to the Association of Regional Center Agencies (2013), 36% of service providers are not compliant with these requirements. When service programs are not compliant with the expectations of their funding sources, they risk losing funding, leading to a loss in services for individuals with ASD and other disabilities, hindering their transition into adulthood.
Background of the Problem
Briefly review the literature and background documents, such as policies, related to the problem of practice. What is the history of the problem in terms of how it has been looked at in the literature? Cite previous research and be sure to include disagreements and discrepancies in the extant literature. Since this is a literature review, it should draw primarily from research studies – i.e., data-based articles from peer-reviewed journals rather than opinion pieces, etc.
Numerous studies have suggested that the prevalence of diagnosed ASD has increased dramatically in the past decades (Gurney, Fritz, Ness, Sievers, Newschaffer, & Shapiro, 2003; Newschaffer, Falb, & Gurney, 2005; Centers for Disease Control [CDC], 2006; Schecter & Grether, 2008). From 1992 to 2002, the number of children with autism reported to the U.S. Department of Education increased from 5,415 to 118,602, representing an increase of over 2,000 percent (U.S. Department of Education, 2003). Existing literature suggests that approximately 70% to 80% of individuals diagnosed with an ASD at childhood will continue to demonstrate marked social impairment in adolescence and adulthood (VanBergeijk, Klin, & Volkmar, 2008). Normative social role transitions for youth leaving high school and entering young adulthood include postsecondary education and seeking employment (Shattuck, Narendorf, Cooper, Sterzing, Wagner, & Taylor, 2012).
The challenges faced by individuals with ASD make these transitions difficult, making the need for comprehensive services even more critical. Service providers can aid students with autism and other developmental disabilities in successfully navigating postsecondary educational settings, obtaining internships and paid employment, successfully integrating into the community, and developing the skills to live independently. Research suggests, however, that young adults with ASD often do not receive the services and supports needed to address the complex set of challenges they face (Hendricks & Wehman, 2009).
Importance of Addressing the Problem
Explain why it is important to solve this problem of practice at the macro level. It is helpful to start this section with “The problem of XX is important to solve for a variety of reasons.” What are the consequences of not solving this problem to society? Use citations and the research literature to support the need to solve this problem.
The problem of regional center noncompliance is important to solve for a variety of reasons. As a result of the social and interpersonal challenges faced by individuals with ASD, rates of unemployment and underemployment are higher among young adults with ASD (Shattuck et al., 2012). Experience has proven, however, that these young adults can work in a variety of businesses and industries when provided with appropriate training and support (Hendricks & Wehman, 2009). For students with learning disabilities, support programs play an even more critical role in both career development and increased potential for academic success. Without these supports in place, young adults with ASD will continue to face limited internship and employment opportunities, difficulties in a variety of social settings, and limited opportunities for postsecondary academic success. These experiences can have a profoundly negative impact on the overall quality of life for these young people. From an organizational perspective, noncompliance can also lead to a lack of funding, which has an adverse effect on the organization’s ability to be financially viable and provide supports and interventions to its clients.
Organizational [or Field] Context and Mission
Describe the name of the organization [or field] of focus. Be sure to assign a pseudonym for an organization. Paraphrase and state the mission of the organization or field from published or other sources. If organization-focused, discuss the following: Where is the organization located? Who are the people involved? Provide age, gender, racial-ethnic breakdown as appropriate but be sure to round numbers to protect the anonymity of the organization.
The College and Career Ready Program of Long Beach (CCR Long Beach, a pseudonym) is vendored by the Harbor Regional Center and is a year-round program that provides individualized social, academic, career, and life skills instruction to young adults with high-functioning autism and other learning differences. The mission of CCR is to inspire independence and expand the foundation on which young adults with Asperger’s, ADHD and other Learning Differences can build happy and productive lives. CCR Background. CCR Long Beach was opened in August 2011. It is one of six College and Career Ready Programs around the country. Prospective students are between the ages of 18 and 26 and must have a documented diagnosis of Asperger’s syndrome, high-functioning autism, pervasive developmental disorders (PDD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), nonverbal learning disorder (NLD), dyslexia or other learning difference. Currently, there are 22 male and five female students for a total enrollment of 27 students. CCR Long Beach currently employs 30 staff members across eight departments: administrative, academics, advising, career, social skills, life skills, therapy, and wellness. The primary role of staff members in each department is helping each student develop the skills necessary for successful independent living.
Organizational [Field Global] Goal
Describe the organizational or field goal and its history. If you focus is a field, it is helpful to identify a seminal organization in the field and locate a relevant goal that this organization has adopted. The goal is derived from the Mission Statement. However, it is specific and measurable, and something that could be achieved in a year or even several years. State the organization’s or field’s goal including WHAT the organization will achieve by WHEN and what the STANDARD for success achievement is. (Example: By May 2025, USC will graduate 100% of its freshman class in four years.) Describe how this goal was established. Who set the goal? How was the standard determined or benchmarked? What measures are used to track progress toward the goal? Make sure the goal is directly related to the problem of practice you discuss at the beginning of this chapter. If the organization or field does not have a specific performance goal, discuss the goals in general terms. Finally, state why it is important to explore organizational or field performance with regard to the goal. What are the consequences of not conducting the exploratory study?
CCR Long Beach’s goal is that by June 2020, it will be compliant with 100% of Harbor Regional Center requirements. The Program Director established this goal one year ago after an initial meeting with regional center directors outlined several key areas that need improvement in order for CCR to fulfill the terms of the Service Agreement. The achievement of CCR Long Beach’s goal in this matter will be measured by the results of Harbor Regional Center audits through June 2016. It is important to evaluate the organization’s performance in relationship to the performance goal of 100% regional center compliance for a variety of reasons. If the organization is not compliant with its regional center service agreement, it risks losing funding. Funding ensures that CCR Long Beach is able to provide supports and interventions to it students. Evaluating the organization’s performance will enable stakeholders to gather formative data that can be used to assess the organization’s programming decisions that positively impact student progress.
Description of Stakeholder Groups
A stakeholder group is a group of individuals who directly contribute to and benefit from the achievement of the organization’s goal (e.g., at USC the stakeholders include students, teachers, and administration) or who work in the field of focus in addressing the purpose and mission of the field (i.e., doctors, nurses, staff in patient health care). List and briefly (2-3 sentences per stakeholder group) describe at least three stakeholder groups and how they contribute to the achievement of the organization’s (or field’s) performance goal.
Stakeholder Group for the Study
State that although a complete analysis would involve all stakeholder groups, for practical purposes, you will select one stakeholder group as the focus of this study. State the reasons why you chose this stakeholder group. Describe the importance of the stakeholder group’s performance to achieving the organization’s or field’s performance goal.
Explain which stakeholder group competency you will explore in your dissertation. You will present this competency via a goal. If there is an identified stakeholder goal, describe the process that was used to determine the stakeholder goal. Describe the risk to the organization and the field if the stakeholder group’s goal is not achieved.
While the joint efforts of all stakeholders will contribute to the achievement of the overall organizational goal of compliance with 100% of Harbor Regional Center requirements, it is critical to explore the CCR Long Beach staff members’ current capacity with regard to implementing compliance procedures in their daily activities. Therefore, the stakeholders of focus for this study will be all CCR Long Beach staff members. The stakeholders’ goal, supported by the Program Director, is that 100% of CCR Long Beach staff will implement compliance procedures in their daily activities. Compliance procedures include activities such as student file review, semiannual and annual report writing, student schedule review, and regional center timesheet review. Failure to accomplish this goal will lead to continued noncompliance. Noncompliance will lead to a loss in funding, which adversely impacts the organization’s ability to provide supports and interventions to its students and the organization’s overall goal of 100% regional center compliance.
Stakeholder’ Performance Goals
Present the organizational or field mission, organizational or field global goal and the stakeholder group’s goal via a table. Refer to the table in narrative.
Table X
Organizational Mission, Organizational Goal and Stakeholder Group’s Performance Goal
Organizational Mission
[Insert mission here]
Organizational Performance Goal
[Insert goal here – by WHEN, WHO will achieve WHAT by HOW MUCH (or HOW OFTEN or TO WHAT DEGREE).
Stakeholder Group Goal
Table X
Organizational Mission, Organizational Goal and Stakeholder Group’s Performance Goal
Organizational Mission
The mission of the College and Career Ready Program (CCR) is to inspire independence and expand the foundation on which young adults with Asperger’s, ADHD, and other Learning Differences can build happy and productive lives.
Organizational Performance Goal
By June 2020, CCR Long Beach will be compliant with 100% of Harbor Regional Center requirements.
CCR Long Beach Staff Goal
By September 2019, 100% of CCR Long Beach staff will implement compliance procedures in their daily activities.
Purpose of the Study and Questions
Adapt the purpose statement below to your own study by inserting the organizational [performance] goal or a field global goal.
“The purpose of this project is to explore the degree to which the organization is able to meet its [ORGANIZATIONAL GOAL]. While a complete performance evaluation would focus on all stakeholders, for practical purposes, the stakeholder to be focused on in this analysis is _____________. The analysis will focus on [stakeholder group] knowledge, motivation and organizational influences related to [stakeholder competency.]
Then, state the study questions (SQs) that will guide the evaluation study that address knowledge and skills, motivation, and organization influences for the stakeholder you selected for the dissertation.
1. What are the [stakeholder group] knowledge and motivation influences related to [stakeholder competency]?
2. How does the organizational culture and context impact [stakeholder group] capacity to [stakeholder competency]?
3. What are the recommendations for organizational practice in the areas of knowledge, motivation, and organizational influences
The purpose of this project is to explore the degree to which CCR Long Beach has the capacity to achieve its goal of 100% compliance with Regional Center requirements. While a complete evaluation project would focus on all CCR Long Beach stakeholders, for practical purposes, the stakeholders to be focused on in this analysis are all CCR Long Beach staff members. The analysis will focus on their knowledge, motivation and organizational influences related to implementing compliance procedures in their daily activities.
The questions that guide this study are the following:
1. What are the CCR Long Beach staff’s knowledge and motivation related to implementing compliance procedures in their daily activities?
2. How does CCR Long Beach support or hinder staff’s capacity to implement compliance procedures in their daily activities?
3. What are the recommendations for organizational practice in the areas of knowledge, motivation, and organizational influences?
Overview of the Conceptual and Methodological Framework
Briefly describe the conceptual and methodological framework you will use for the study by stating something similar to below. The conceptual framework is Clark and Estes (2008) and the methodological framework will be either qualitative, quantitative or mixed. You will provide an in-depth conceptual framework in Chapter Two and the methodological framework in Chapter Three.
Clark and Estes’ (2008) gap analysis, a systematic, analytical method that helps to clarify organizational goals and identify the knowledge, motivation and organizational influences, will be adapted to an exploratory model and implemented as the conceptual framework. Assumed knowledge, motivation and organizational influences that impact stakeholder capacity will be generated based on context-specific and general learning and motivation theory. These influences will be explored via qualitative methodological framework. Specifically, qualitative data will be gathered via individual interviews and document analysis.
Clark and Estes’ (2008) gap analysis, a systematic, analytical method that helps to clarify organizational goals and identify the knowledge, motivation and organizational influences, will be adapted to an exploratory model and implemented as the conceptual framework. Assumed influences knowledge, motivation and organizational influences that impact CCR Long Beach staff’s performance in the area of implementing compliance procedures will be generated based on both context-specific research as well as general learning and motivation theory. The methodological framework is a qualitative case study, consisting of individual interviews and document analysis.
Provide operational definitions of the key terms in alphabetical order. Most students will have between three and seven definitions. These are key terms and acronyms that you use frequently. Some of these may also be added after your dissertation has been written.
Autism: A mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people and in using language and abstract concepts.
Autism Spectrum Disorder: A general term for a group of complex disorders of brain development. These disorders are characterized, in varying degrees, by difficulties in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication and repetitive behaviors.
Regional Centers: Nonprofit private corporations that contract with the Department of Developmental Services to provide or coordinate services and supports for individuals with developmental disabilities.
Vendorization: The process for identification, selection, and utilization of service providers based on the qualifications and other requirements necessary in order to provide the services.
Organization of the Project
Describe how the remainder of the dissertation is organized. What can the reader expect?
Five chapters are used to organize this study. This chapter provided the reader with the key concepts and terminology commonly found in a discussion about regional center noncompliance. The organization’s mission, goals and stakeholders and the framework for the project were introduced. Chapter Two provides a review of current literature surrounding the scope of the study. Topics of autism spectrum disorder, supports and interventions, policy, and funding will be addressed. Chapter Two also presents the CCR Long Beach staff’s knowledge, motivation and organizational influences that will be explored via the study. Chapter Three details the methodology when it comes to choice of participants, data collection and analysis. In Chapter Four, the data are assessed and analyzed. Chapter Five provides recommendations for practice and for future research.
Chapter Two: Review of the Literature
Provide introduction for literature review by introducing the topics you are reviewing in this chapter.
Topic Heading
Repeat the heading formatting for different topic headings as necessary to cover all the relevant topics in your literature review. Each dissertation will vary in the number of headings in the literature review. Add subheadings as needed within each of the larger sections to help organize your review. The following topics/sections possible topics commonly found in dissertation literature reviews:
● Historical context
● Past research using your theoretical framework
● Best practices related to your topic
● Challenges/barriers in the context
● Characteristics of a population/stakeholders
● Reasons underlying your problem of practice
● Existing strategies for solving the problem
● Approaches to measurement of your problem/topic that guide your study
Focus on synthesis in the literature review, rather than a series of summaries for individual sources. Some sources can be summarized if they are particularly relevant to your dissertation, but you should be focusing on effectively synthesizing the literature for the majority of the review.
Use appropriate sub-headings in accordance with APA 7th edition.
Level 2 Heading
Level 2 Heading
Level 3 Heading
Level 3 Heading
Level 4 Heading.
Level 4 Heading.
Clark and Estes’ (2008) Knowledge, Motivation and Organizational Influences’ Framework
The study implemented a modified gap analysis model as its conceptual framework. Gap analysis (Clark & Estes, 2008) is a systematic, analytical method that helps clarify organizational goals and identify the gap between the actual performance level and the preferred performance level within an organization. The steps in the gap analysis process are generally as follows: first, defining measurable goals, second, determining gaps in performance, third, hypothesizing possible causes for those gaps, fourth, validating and prioritizing causes, fifth, developing solutions, and finally, evaluating outcomes. In gap analysis, potential causes for performance gaps are studied in the areas of knowledge, motivation and organizational influences.
Often times, individuals assume causes for problems within organizations without appropriately understanding those causes. As a result, individuals may omit or misdiagnose causes for performance gaps. Furthermore, this “jumping to conclusions” often leads to the application of inappropriate solutions or inaction due to perceived complexity in solving the problem. Gap analysis is designed to avoid creating inappropriate solutions via a thorough study of the potential causes for performance issues. As the final step, an implementation and evaluation plan is created.
This study is designed as an exploratory study following the general steps of gap analysis. The study’s goal is to identify both assets and gaps that impact performance, specifically, [stakeholder competency.] Once the stakeholder goal and competency were determined, knowledge, motivation and organizational influences that impact stakeholder capacity were generated based on context-specific as well as general learning and motivation literature. These influences will be presented next.
Stakeholder Knowledge, Motivation and Organizational Influences
Knowledge Influences
Briefly explain that you are reviewing literature that focuses on knowledge-related influences that are pertinent to exploring the stakeholder competency of focus. You should provide a brief summary, using literature for support, of why it is important to examine knowledge and skills in problem solving.
Provide a brief overview of the knowledge types and an explanation that you will categorize each knowledge influence into knowledge type and why it is import to do so.
Knowledge Influence 1
In this section, review the literature for the first knowledge influence relevant to your stakeholder and stakeholder goal. Categorize the corresponding knowledge type.
Knowledge Influence 2
Same explanation as above.
Knowledge Influence 3
Same explanation as above.
[Insert the Knowledge Influences table here at the end of the knowledge section. Make sure that you explain the table in the narrative right before you insert the table (e.g., “Table 1 presents…”).]
Table 1
Knowledge Influences
Assumed Knowledge Influence Knowledge Type
Knowledge of which strands of the Math CAHSEE students score the lowest on Declarative
Knowledge of the details of methods of differentiating instruction.
Ability to incorporate strategies of differentiation into lesson plans. Procedural
Ability to reflect on their own effectiveness in the classroom. Metacognitive
Motivational Influences
Briefly explain that in addition to knowledge, motivation is a key influence on performance. Explain that you are reviewing literature that focuses on motivation-related influences that are pertinent to your stakeholder competency. You may also provide a brief overview of the general motivation literature (e.g., defining motivation, why motivation is important, review of motivation indices of choice, persistence, mental effort, etc.). Remember that the motivation influences you are presenting are the underlying causes for choice, persistence, mental effort. Briefly name the two (or more) theories or constructs you will be discussing in this section as an advance organizer (but save the extensive review for the following sections).
Name of Motivation Theory or Construct 1
Replace the heading with a level 3 APA heading of the actual motivation theories (e.g., self-efficacy theory, expectancy value theory, goal orientation theory, attribution theory, interest, emotions and affect etc.) you are applying in the dissertation. You should indicate at least two motivational theories or constructs. For each motivational influence:
• Provide an overview of this first motivational influence using the readings from class as support. Briefly summarize the aligned theory. This need not be more than 1 paragraph (=5-6 sentences).
• Review literature relevant to the first motivational influence that is pertinent to your stakeholder group and stakeholder goal. Discuss how the application of the motivational theory is being contextualized in your project.
Name of Motivation Theory or Construct 2
Follow same instructions as above. [Insert the Motivation Influences table here at the end of the motivation section. Make sure that you explain the table in the narrative right before you insert the table (e.g., “Table 2 presents…”).]
Table 2
Motivation Influences
Motivation Construct Motivation Influence
Self-Efficacy Faculty need to believe in being capable of effectively implementing the Universal Design for Learning.
Utility Value Faculty need to see value for implementing the Universal Design for Learning to benefit all students but to specifically support the needs of students with disabilities.
Organizational Influences
Briefly state that organizational influences, in addition to knowledge and motivation, determine whether stakeholder can be successful in performing their roles in the organization and achieving their goals. Briefly review that organizational influences can be categorized into two: models and settings per Gallimore and Goldenberg (2001). Then state which organizational influences will be reviewed next. You do not need to have a specific number of organizational influences but keep in mind that these influences are likely the key to understand stakeholder performance (above and beyond the knowledge and motivation influences) so you will likely have at least 3 influences.
Organizational Influence 1
Replace the heading with a level 3 APA heading of the actual organizational influence (e.g., resources, professional development, a culture of trust, etc.).
For each organizational influence:
• Provide an overview of this first organizational influence using the readings from class as support. Talk about the influence in general terms that apply to many organizations. This need not be more than 1 paragraph (=5-6 sentences).
• Discuss the first organizational influence as it applies to your stakeholder group and stakeholder goal (or the global goal, if a stakeholder goal has not been identified). Discuss how the application of the organizational influence is being contextualized in your project.
Organizational Influence 2
Follow same instructions as above.
Organizational Influence 3
Follow same instructions as above.
[Insert Organizational Influences table here. Make sure that you explain the table in the narrative right before you insert the table (e.g., “Table X shows…”).]
Table 3
Organizational Influences
Organizational Influence Category Organizational Influences
Cultural Model Influence 1 The school needs to cultivate a culture of general acceptance and willingness among faculty to change existing courses.
Cultural Model Influence 2 The school needs to have a culture of trust between administration and the faculty in order to achieve the institutional goal of integrating social justice issue into teaching.
Cultural Setting Influence 1 The school needs to provide faculty enough time from their non-teaching responsibilities in order to have time to revise their course syllabi to integrate social justice topics into their courses.
Cultural Setting Influence 2 The school needs to provide effective role models within the institution who have integrated social justice topics into courses.
Conceptual Framework
In 2-3 pages, introduce and explain the conceptual framework for your dissertation. Present a graphic representation of your framework (e.g., table or concept map). The key point to highlight is that the KMO influences interact with each other.
Provide a brief summary of the chapter here, outlining the main ideas from your literature review, that you presented the stakeholder KMO influences and the conceptual framework. There should be no new literature reviewed in this section.
Chapter Three: Methodology
In one paragraph, provide an introduction for this chapter. Include a brief statement of the purpose of the study and how this chapter is organized.
Study Questions
Restate your research questions.
Overview of Methodology
Provide an overview of your methodological design, including whether you are using qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods to answer the study questions. Note that SQ3 is left out as it has to do with recommendations. Briefly discuss each of your data collection methods and provide a rationale for your choices. Complete and include a data sources’ table.
Table 1
Data Sources
Study Questions Method 1 Method 2 Method 3
Data Collection, Instrumentation and Analysis Plan
Include a brief introduction here. If you are using multiple methods, discuss the timing and sequence of your data collection activities.
Method 1 (replace heading with method such as Interviews, Survey, Document Analysis)
Introduce this method (e.g., interview, survey, observation, document analysis, etc.).
Participating Stakeholders
Discuss your sampling and recruitment approach for this method (e.g., purposeful sampling, random sampling, census). Include the total number of participants and relevant demographic details. After data collection, describe participants in enough detail so the reader can visualize the subjects.
Discuss the instruments used to collect data (e.g., interview protocol, observation checklist, rubric, survey, etc.) and the rationale for their selection/creation. Discuss the types of questions and content on instruments and how they relate to your study questions and conceptual framework. Primarily, you want to point out how you will explore the KMO influences via interview, survey, document analysis, etc. Reference and put instruments in the Appendix.
Data Collection Procedures
Discuss the logistical procedures for collecting data including when you will be collecting data, estimates of how long it will take to complete each method (e.g., interviews lasting 60 minutes; surveys lasting 15 minutes), locations of data collection, general procedures, how you will capture data (e.g., field notes, recordings/transcriptions, online surveys), and translation procedures (as appropriate). Include rationale for your choices and citations to support decisions.
Data Analysis
Discuss how you will analyze the data. Use citations to support your choices.
Validity and Reliability/Credibility and Trustworthiness
Discuss the strategies used for maximizing validity and reliability or credibility and trustworthiness. Use citations to support your choices.
Method 2 (repeat the preceding section for every method you are using)
Method 3
Ethics and Role of Researcher
Explain your responsibilities with respect to involving human participants in your research. Describe your approach to informed consent, ensuring participation is voluntary, confidentiality of the data and of their participation, gaining permission to record, and storing and securing the data. Support your approach with citations.
Offer a brief description of you as the researcher, including your positionality and your relationship to the organization and participants. Make sure you address assumptions and biases and how these could affect your study. These biases may be the result of your race/ethnicity/socioeconomic status and/or the fact that you work for the organization or have experience as a member of the field within which your study is taking place. Discuss how you will mitigate potential assumptions and biases. Support your approach with citations.
Limitations and Delimitations
First, define limitations versus delimitations. Next, given how you have decided to bound the study, how you have chosen your conceptual framework, and the methods you have chosen, discuss the possible limitations and delimitations. Include the anticipated limitations (those things you cannot control—i.e., the truthfulness of your respondents) and delimitations (choices you make that have implications for the data you collect—i.e., the questions you ask, the number of observations you conduct) of your study.
Anderson, L., & Krathwohl, D. (2001). A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing (1st ed.). New York: Longman.
Cimera, R. E., & Cowan, R. J. (2009). The costs of services and employment outcomes achieved by adults with autism in the US. Autism, 13(3), 285-302.
Clark, R. E., & Estes, F. (2008). Turning research into results: A guide to selecting the right performance solutions. Atlanta, GA: CEP Press.
Department of Developmental Services. (2008). Fact book. Retrieved from http://www.dds.ca.gov/FactsStats/docs/factbook_11th.pdf
Appendix A
Title of Appendix Goes Here
Start content here.