Guidelines for Dissertation Document Formatting
1. Contents of Submission
1). Front page (see template)
2). Signed Declaration Form
3). Consent to Share Form (Optional)
4). Dissertation
Please make sure these are put together in one document.
2. Template for dissertation
Acknowledgments (if any)
Table of Contents
List of Tables and Figures (if relevant)
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Review of the Literature on …[YOUR TOPIC]
Chapter 3: Research Design and Methods
Chapter 4: Research Findings/ Data Description*
Chapter 5: Discussion and Analysis/ Data Analysis*
Chapter 6: Conclusion and Recommendations
Reference List
*Note – in some cases 4&5 may be combined
3. Overall length
This should be 10,000 to 12,000 words approximately (excluding appendices and references)
4. Font
The titles of dissertation chapters should be in Arial 14 points bold and section headings in Arial 12 points bold. The main body of the dissertation and bibliography should be in Arial 12 points, with any footnotes in Arial 10 points.
5. Spacing:
Use 1.5 line spacing for the body of the dissertation.
Tables, any long quotes, the reference list, and any materials in appendices should be in single spacing.
6. Page numbers
Pages must be numbered at the bottom centre of the page:
• Use lower case ROMAN numerals for title page, acknowledgements and table of contents page.
• Use consecutive ARABIC numerals for the body of the dissertation including references, bibliography and appendices (if any).