• The Risk Culture – Review the corporate risk culture as promulgated by senior manager and how this affected the level of
risk across the organisation.
• Governance – Review the role of the board as the ultimate governance structure.
• Operational risk – Identify two operational risks facing the organisation in the period 2006-2008. Ensure you write a risk
statement to summarise the risk.
• Liquidity risk – Review the liquidity risks impacting the organisation in particular after it change its business model around
2006/07. Explain also how Basel III could help avoid such issues in future.
• Regulatory Oversight – One of the reason for the failure of the bank was the complex structures of institutions like Lehman, it
is arguable that regulators were not adequately prepared to examine and evaluate its overall functioning. Identify the
weakness in the regulatory regime at the time and steps taken since then and evaluate their adequacy.
• Other risk factors – Identify one other major risk factor (not mentioned above) that if better understood and mitigated would
have alleviated the risk of bankruptcy.