I’d like you to consider the big picture surrounding Benedetta. There were many factors at play when it came
to her choices and actions. For instance, the Convent she entered was a relatively new one, not fully enclosed,
and seeking approval from the Church. Benedetta brings a lot of good attention to the Convent early on–with
her visions. But the marriage to Jesus seems a step too far. Why? The Church itself was experiencing big
changes in this era–the Reformation was looming, the Inquisition had ramped up and was rooting out
heresies, and the mystical tradition in sainthood was fading. So, with these changes looming, how does that
increased scrutiny impact this little Convent? And, finally, what roles did the other nuns play in this? They
seem fine with Benedetta initially–what changed? How do the two investigations differ, and what do they
reveal about the Convent, the Church, and Benedetta?
Note: use only the source I attached!
Note: this course name is “Liberal arts”