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What Institution Management Procedures and Personal Approach are Most Effective in Stress Management among Nurse

• • to give you the opportunity to experience the research process in a systematic, supervised way, from start to finish.
• • to foster autonomous research skills
• • to enable you to contribute to the knowledge base underpinning the nursing care of
mental health service users by completing a master’s dissertation project.
• • to promote scholarly activity necessary to produce a substantial research report
approaching publishable standard and expanding / redefining current knowledge;
• • to develop skills in planning, managing and critically reviewing the research process
Assessment Task
Your assessment task requires you to produce a detailed, analytical account of an independent project focused on improving care
One of three options is available:
• • a systematic literature review on your chosen topic or
• • a research proposal to investigate a question relevant to your field of nursing or
• • a service development project to enhance the experience of service users
Learning Outcomes
This assessment meets the following learning outcomes:
Core learning outcomes
On completion of this unit you should be able to:
Assessment number
1 Appraise the relative merits of different methods of scholarly enquiry and use relevant literature and evidence to justify the choice of dissertation method for the selected topic 1
2 Select and use an appropriate methodological approach to plan and carry out a sustained independent project, making recommendations to enhance mental health service users’ experience of healthcare, and reflect on the contribution of the project to developing the knowledge base underpinning mental health nursing 1
Threshold standards
Assessment number In order to pass the assessment you will need to:


Determine a question or problem appropriate to mental health nursing practice

Plan a project using appropriate methods of investigation and submit a project plan as specified

Choose, justify and reflect on the efficacy of an appropriate method for your chosen project

Collect, manage and analyse data relevant to mental health nursing practice
Generate independent conclusions which derive from your investigation and formulate recommendations for mental health nursing practice and/or the organisation and delivery of care to mental health service users
Guidelines for this Assessment:
You will need to demonstrate the full range of research skills and knowledge in relation to a specific area of study and illustrate how you synthesise large amounts of information in a critical and ethical manner. You will also need to demonstrate your ability to present these skills and knowledge within a standardised framework.
Marking Criteria for this Assessment
As specified in the level 7 grading profile
The University has in place a range of processes to ensure that standards are set at an appropriate level and are consistently applied. These involve assignment setting, moderation, external examining and collective decision-making at examination and scheme boards.
To ensure fairness, this assessment will be blind double marked. Your supervisor will normally be one of the markers with a second staff member allocated as a second marker. Additionally, the External Marker for the MSc. Course will also review the assessment process and all grades awarded. External examiners ensure that the moderation process is in line with university specifications.
Word Allowance for this Assessment
The word allowance for this essay is 12000 words.
• • If you exceed the stipulated number of words by a margin of more than 10%, only the first part of the text, up to the stipulated assignment limit will be graded.
• • All words used in the main body of the assignment are included in the word count. This includes words in tables, diagrams, references in the text and direct quotations.
• • The word count does not include the reference list, bibliography or appendices and you should state the word count at the end of the assignment, after the conclusion.
Confidentiality in this Assessment
Anonymity in relation to service users and carers must be maintained at all times in coursework and related appendices. You must remove or conceal any information, which could reveal the identity of service users or carers. Such information includes the patient or client’s personal details and the name of the care setting or care provider. A confidentiality statement must be included in your introduction section.
Breaches of confidentiality will be treated as a serious matter and may lead to a refer grade being given.
Tips on how to Conceal Identifying Information
Markers sometimes find it difficult to judge whether identifying information has been retained in assignments or whether pseudonyms have been used. To avoid any confusion, you are advised to adhere to the following guidelines:
• • Include a statement at the beginning of the assignment explaining that you will be using fictitious names and addresses
• • Use role titles and, if necessary, fictitious names when referring to colleagues within your place of work for example Staff Nurse Green
• • If it is relevant to the assignment to provide some information concerning your placement, give only broad details e.g. a medical ward in a large city hospital, a community mental health team in a rural area, a regional neonatal unit.
• • The source of information which is publicly available should be acknowledged for example Trust policies accessed from the internet (not intranet)
• • Identifying documents which are not in the public domain or which contain information which could compromise the anonymity of patients or practice areas should not be used unless identifying information is obscured for example policies only available on an organisation’s intranet site or a copy of a patient’s care plan
• • Before submission check your work, including all appendices, to ensure you have maintained confidentiality and have not included any information which could lead to a clinical area, patient or member of staff being identified from what you have written.
Writing Style
You are encouraged to write essays in an appropriate academic style avoiding overuse of ‘I’. You may refer to yourself in the third person for example ‘From a literature review the author found …….’ However, this can be confusing for the reader as it may be unclear if you are talking about the author of the literature you have read or about your own work. Similar confusion may also arise when referring to yourself as ‘the nurse ….’ in a practice context.
Guidelines for Presenting Written Assignments
The following guidelines should be followed:
o • all written assignments must be word processed / typed
o • the recommended font style is Arial 11 or 12.
o • use line spacing of 1.5 or double spacing throughout.
o • use A4 size white paper
o • number each page clearly
o • the unit title and Student ID must be included as either a header or footer on every page (except front page)
o • create margins of at least 2.5 cms on all sides of each page.
o • the title page should contain your name and ID, the name of the University, the name of
your course, the unit code / title and the title of the assessment
o • state the number of words written at the end of the assignment after the conclusion.
o • start the reference list on a new page and adhere to Harvard referencing guidelines
o • a very high standard of presentation is expected and this includes accurate referencing,
attention to layout, grammar and spelling.
Extent of Collaboration Allowed
There is no collaboration allowed for this assessment. All work should be an individual piece of work. However, it is advisable to discuss your ideas with the unit leader within the first couple of weeks.
1 Expected Standards in Assignments
University study is intended to increase your ability to have independent and critical thought. The rules and conventions of academic writing are designed to achieve this. These rules are much the same as for a first year essay as for an article in a prestigious academic journal.
• • Each piece of coursework you produce at University should always be in your own work.
• • The work should make use of your own ideas, results and experiences, and your
understanding of the ideas of others.
• • Your work must be original for each assignment. Work that has already been assessed in a previous unit cannot be re-submitted for assessment within a later unit. However, it may be appropriate to use an extract from previously produced work accompanied by reflective comments or commentary and referenced appropriately to illustrate development of knowledge, skills and attitudes since the extract was first written.
• • Where assignments are based on authorised group work or project work, the material you submit for assessment must be your own work. Where it is appropriate to report on any collaborative work undertaken you must present your own interpretation of that work.
• • You must always reference the source of copied or paraphrased material, whether from a book, journal, newspaper, or the Internet, and provide full details of the source in a reference list. This is to inform the reader about where it can be found, and to give credit to the author(s). Guidelines on how to reference are produced by Learning Resources and can be access via the University’s intranet
• • On occasion it may be appropriate to use a direct quotation from a published source of material. In such cases this must be indicated using quotation marks and referenced accordingly. However, markers may deduct marks for overuse of direct quotations. They need to assess your understanding of what you have read and your ability for independent thought so you should use your own words as much as possible.

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