Which right(s) (or ideals behind specific rights) has been the biggest motivating factor for protests and political activity by American citizens (in the events covering chapters 12, 13 and you are welcome to use 14)? Academic Level : Bachelor Paper details The creation of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights have created certain expectations by the American public in terms of what the nation can and should offer its citizens, and the nation has seen protests when those expectations have not been met. In the final three chapters in the textbook, this has been one of the themes (the relationship between American citizens, and their rights in conjunction with the role of government in securing those rights). The Essay should be 4-5 pages, typed and double spaced, 12 point Times Roman Font, 1 Inch Margins. Focus your analysis on the content, which needs to include a clear thesis statement, evidence, and facts that support the thesis, proper citation and a conclusion that summarizes your argument. Write your essay as if you were addressing a larger audience that knows nothing about the subject and you are writing to convince them of your position. The first paragraph should clearly state your position and a sentence or two about each of the main points you intend to discuss as support for your position. The paragraphs that follow should be a discussion of your main points and should include an analysis (an explanation of how and why these points support your position) of the facts and referencing of the sources. The last paragraph (the conclusion) should be a summation of the points that support your position. Introduction + Thesis Statement Body Paragraph 1 Body Paragraph 2 Body Paragraph 3