Paper details:
– Implement the requirements in the picture attached for the project outline on (Amazon) : https://www.aboutamazon.com
– also, attached an example for the same requirements in another company, for you reference and further handling (Almarai project group).
– Harvard style
– Include table of contents and references pages
1- The Project Report must follow the format of Strategic Audit items shows on the end of chapter one. (Book attached as a reference).
2- Expected to explicitly draw on theories and concepts presented in chapter 12 as well, and to apply them to the company’s particular situation.
3- The final section, Strategies recommendations must include the three levels of strategies:
i. corporate strategy with an explanation of pro and cons to answer the question from a portfolio perspective: What business should it be in and grow? Which
business should it apply retrenchment strategy.
ii. Business strategy must answer the question of “How shall the company compete in this field?
iii. Functional strategy explains the function managers consideration of resources in achieving the objectives of their business unit strategy (e.g. marketing,
HRM, ISM, RD strategies in achieving business strategy.
4- Finally, provide a conclusion