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Assignment Paper

Hints for Homework 5

1. (Improved triangular substitutions; adapted from FNC 2.3.5)

(a) The function backsub handles the case in which A is upper triangular; call it U:


 x1 x2 · · · xp

 

︸ ︷︷ ︸ =X


 b1 b2 · · · bp

 

︸ ︷︷ ︸ =B


For any j ∈ N[1,p], the solution of Uxj = bj is obtained by applying the backward substitution formula given in lecture:

 xn,j =

bn,j un,n


xi,j = 1 ui,i

 bi,j − n∑

k=i+1 ui,kxk,j

  for i = n− 1,n− 2, . . . , 1.

Encode these formulas using nested for-loops in your program: • outer loop: iterate over columns (j = 1, 2, . . . ,p) • inner loop: implement the backward substitution formula (i = n,n− 1, . . . , 1).

You may use the following template to begin your program backsub.m1 by function X = backsub(U,B) % BACKSUB X = backsub(U,B) % Solve multiple upper triangular linear systems. % Input: % U upper triangular square matrix (n-by-n) % B right-hand side vectors concatenated into an (n-by-p) matrix % Output: % X solution of UX = B (n-by-p)

[n,p] = size(B); % grab dimensions X = zeros(n,p); % preallocate output %% Implement back. subs. formula (nested for-loop)


1You do not need to write external function m-files. Simply write them at the end of the document as instructed in the problem.


The function forelim can be written in a very analogous manner. Note. If you want to include a check for triangularity of the coefficient matrix, use

istriu (upper triangular) or istril (lower triangular), e.g., if ~istriu(U)

error(’The matrix U must be upper triangular.’); end

The inclusion of such a check will not be part of the grading rubrics. (b) One way to test your code using the given examples is to compute the norm of the

difference of the analytical inverse and the numerically calculated inverse. For example, L1 = …..; L1inv = …..; % analytical inverse given L1invNum = ltinverse(L1); % numerically calculated inverse norm(L1inv – L1invNum) % norm of the difference

We want to see a small norm, if not zero.

2. (Triangular substitution and stability; FNC 2.3.6)

(a) In this part, you show that x = (1, 1, 1, 1, 1)T solves the system for any values of α and β; this is an analytical result.

(b) In this second part, however, you check whether the computer indeed produces the same answer for changing values of β while α is fixed. When the problem says “Using MATLAB, solve the system . . .”, it simply means that you use the backslash \ to solve the system Ax = b.

3. (Vectorizing mylu.m; FNC 2.4.7)

(a) For this part, follow the direction given in the problem: • delete the keyword for in the inner loop; (just for, not the rest) • delete the matching end of the inner loop; • put a semicolon at the end of i = j+1:n.

This defines i to be a vector of indices (j + 1,j + 2, . . . ,n). Passing i into L or A in the next two lines, the code effectively accesses the (j + 1)st through nth rows of the respective matrices; see the slides titled “Using Vectors as Indices” in Lecture 7 on arrays.

(b) Let x ∈ Rn and A ∈ Rn×n, not necessarily the ones appearing in the problem. The ordinary elementwise vector/matrix notation refers to the convention of denoting the elements of a vector or a matrix using subscripts such as

• xi: the ith element of vector bx; • Ai,j: the element of A on the ith row and jth column.

In MATLAB, they are expressed as x(i) and A(i,j), respectively. Now, let’s concen- trate on the matrix case:

A(< rowindex >,< columnindex >)

When one of the two indices is a vector, as in the case of the problem, it represents the slice of the matrix on a specified row or column. For example,


• A row vector consisting of 5th through 8th elements on the 3rd row of A:

A(3, 5 : 8) −→ [ A3,5 A3,6 A3,7 A3,8

] • A column vector consisting of 5th through 8th elements on the 3rd column of A:

A(5 : 8, 3) −→

  A5,3 A6,3 A7,3 A8,3

 

When both indices are vectors, it represents the submatrix on the specified rows and columns. For example,

• The submatrix of A between 2nd and 4th rows and between 1st and 5th columns:

A(2 : 4, 1 : 5) −→

 A2,1 A2,2 A2,3 A2,4 A2,5A3,1 A3,2 A3,3 A3,4 A3,5 A4,1 A4,2 A4,3 A4,4 A4,5

 

You are to translate the MATLAB statements in your vectorized mylu into mathematical notations as shown above.

4. (Application of LU factorization: FNC 2.4.6)

(a) Recall the following properties of the determinant from linear algebra: • det(AB) = det(A) det(B). • det(T) = t11t22 · · ·tnn =

∏n i=1 tii, where T ∈ Rn×n is a triangular matrix.

(b) Try to vectorize your code. The function can be written in only couple lines (excluding the function header and the end statement) without using any loop. It would be also useful to recall that if you only want to generate the second output of a certain function, you put ~ in place of the first output argument as a placeholder. For instance, if you only need U from mylu(A), instead of calling it with [L,U] = mylu(A), use

[~, U] = mylu(A);

Note. Use the vectorized version of mylu which you already wrote for Question 3.

5. (Proper usage of lu; FNC 2.6.1) The expression U \ L \ b is equivalent to (U \ L) \ b.

6. (FLOP Counting)

(a) Consider the following example question. Question. How would you code x = ABb most efficiently in MATLAB, and how many flops are needed? Answer. There are only two ways2 to code it: x=A*(B*b) or x=(A*B)*b. If the former is used, MATLAB i. carries out B*b: matrix-by-vector multiplication (∼ 2n2 flops)

2This is the same as x = A*B*b.


ii. left-multiplies the previous result by A: another matrix-by-vector multiplication (∼ 2n2 flops)

In total, it takes ∼ 4n2 flops. On the other hand, the latter version requires the matrix- by-matrix multiplication A*B, which already takes ∼ 2n3 flops. So the former is the efficient one.

Lesson. Avoid matrix-by-matrix multiplication as much as possible! Also remember to use the backslash operator if matrix inversion is required, instead of inv. When \ is invoked, MATLAB in general does a pivoted Gaussian elimination, which takes ∼ (2/3)n3 flops.

7. (Matrix norms; Sp20 midterm) Hints are found in the lecture for 10/01/21 (F).


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