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Assignment Paper

DAY 24-27
Goal: Write Task 2 paper.

As you write the task, you will be addressing different aspects related to the selected outbreak including epidemiological determinants and risk factors associated with your selected outbreak as well as mode of disease transmission.
In this task, you will discuss one specific outbreak of a communicable disease listed in Task 2 requirements, Section A. This specific outbreak must have occurred within the last 50 years and includes human to human transmission across at least one international border.
(Example: The 2014 measles outbreak that was documented from the Philippines to the United States).
In addition, you will analyze the impact of a hypothetical outbreak on your community at a systems level including the effects on local government, schools, businesses, and hospitals/health care systems.
Begin to write the task using the suggested headings and subheadings on a blank Word document or go to the course search tab where you will find a Task 2 template.
A. Communicable Disease:
Select ONE of the following communicable diseases to address in your task.
• Influenza (human to human)
• Measles
• Respiratory syndrome coronavirus (Includes MERS, SARS or COVID-19)
• Meningococcal disease
• Ebola virus
• Hepatitis B
• Hepatitis C
• Tuberculosis
• Zika virus
B. Description of Outbreak:
Describe the outbreak of the disease selected in Part A, including each of the following:
• Name of the disease
• The countries involved
• The date the outbreak was discovered
• The dates the disease reached Country A and Country B
Make sure that you address one specific outbreak rather than the history or multiple outbreaks of the communicable disease, such as an entire epidemic/pandemic.

B1. Epidemiological Determinants and Risk Factors:
Epidemiological determinants can be anything that increases disease frequency in a population. Risk Factors and transmission are both epidemiological determinants.
However, you should discuss additional determinants relevant for your outbreak here such as infectivity (how easily is it spread?), virulence (how deadly is it?), mode of transmission (Vector? Contact? Aerosol?), climate considerations (i.e. does the vector survive arid or cold temperatures?), antigenic stability (i.e. Influenza) and any other appropriate variable.
Discuss any risk factors involved. Risk factors typically address the condition of the host (patient) and environment. Examples of risk factors could be age, occupation, immune-compromised status, unvaccinated status, lack of prior exposure to the disease, smoking, living in close quarters (i.e., military, prisons, college dormitories), vector exposure, etc.

B2. Route of Transmission:
Discuss the general route of transmission related to the chosen communicable disease. Also discuss how the specific outbreak was spread geographically. Was air travel to blame? Migration? Local travel? Other?

B3. Impact on Community:

This is a hypothetical situation (your thoughts and opinions) of the impact at a systems level if the selected disease outbreak occurred in your community. How would a worse-case scenario affect your local community? Include the impact on schools, local government, businesses, healthcare systems.
This should be a “logical discussion”. What would be the effect on schools? Would they need to close? Would government offices and essential public services be affected? Would the hospitals have the staff to care for an outbreak? Could the healthcare facilities handle the individuals coming for care or put others at risk? Would it overburden the health system of the community, etc.?
B4. Reporting Protocol:
Explain the reporting protocol should an outbreak of your chosen disease occur in your community/state. Often there is state legislation, or the Local/State Health Department will dictate the reporting protocol (reporting chain of command) for the related communicable disease. You can also do an internet search for reporting protocol in your area.
This task tip may help: as a community health nurse, to whom would you report a new case? What does your Public Health Department (local and state level) indicate for reporting communicable diseases? Think about who should be notified and how?
B5. Prevention Strategies:
Discuss two strategies that you would recommend in preventing an outbreak in your community of the chosen disease (i.e. patient education strategies, community education strategies). Each prevention strategy will be discussed in a separate paragraph.
Search the CDC website for possible disease related prevention strategies.
C. Bentonville Action Report:
See information previously provided under Goal: To complete the Bentonville simulation.
D. Sources:
Regarding the referencing, please contact the WGU Writing Center. The WGU Writing Center is your resource should you have any questions regarding referencing. The WGU Writing Center has a helpline that you can call for assistance, the number: 1-877-435-7948, extension 2967.
All references should follow the correct format (Big 4), including the author, year, title, and source information. Each reference must have a correlating in-text citation.
F. Professional Communications:
This section reflects your ability to write professionally using correct writing mechanics and grammar.
You are also encouraged to connect with the WGU Writing Center as this is your best resource for support and guidance related to professional communications. (free) is a great resource for this section. Watch this video to learn how to use the free version of Grammarly as a proofreading tool. If you decide to purchase the premium version of Grammarly, go to the Writing Center for more information and discount.
How Grammarly Can Help (


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