Essay #2
Due: Essay is to be uploaded to Blackboard as a double-spaced Word file by the start of
class Week 7.
Length: 1,000 words.
Worth: 20% of your final grade.
Grading rubric: Please see Blackboard.
In Chapter 5 of his book The digital sublime: Myth, power, and cyberspace, Vincent Mosco
(2004) details how discussion of each new communication technology dating back to the mid19th century (including the telegraph, electrification, the landline telephone, broadcast radio, and
broadcast/cable television) have repeated claims that the technology would signal “the end of
history, the end of geography, and the end of politics” (p. 119).
Referencing the Mosco chapter, along with the three deputations made to the Canadian Radiotelevision and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) in 2020 that are linked below and that
express concern about the state of Canada’s wireless mobile services (cell phone/smart phone
services), write an argumentative essay about how the three CRTC deputations help support
Mosco’s position that cyberspace (which includes the internet) has not brought about “the end of
history, the end of geography, and the end of politics” (2004, p. 119) and that Canada’s wireless
mobile landscape still needs enhancement to better serve Canadian residents and visitors.
Here are the 2020 CRTC deputations to watch and cite in your essay:
Review of Mobile Wireless Services – Ageing + Communication + Technologies (ACT)
Review of Mobile Wireless Services – Coalition for Cheaper Wireless Service
Review of Mobile Wireless Services – Manitoba Coalition
Your essay is to be 1,000 words (not including your end references), double-spaced, written in
third-person, and use APA citation style. See Humber Library’s online APA style videos for tips.