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Funding Prospective Small Healthcare Businesses

Funding prospective small businesses
• What barrier(s) could impact the success of your funding partnership?
• How will you work to overcome the barrier(s)?
• Provide an explanation of the importance of building a relationship between funder and grantee. Describe key elements of this relationship, providing a
rationale for your thinking.
• Describe why the grant funder/RFP’s criteria are important and how they can influence the outcomes of the funding process.
• Address both a Memorandum of Understanding and Letters of Agreement that would be necessary.
Part:1 3-4 Pages
• Write your Needs Statement. Substantiate the need by presenting proof of need. Keep in mind that the Needs Statement must reflect best practices in grant
• Next, using bullets, list your goals, then your objectives, and finally your evaluation criteria for each one.
*Goal #1
*Goal #2
*Goal #3
*Objective 1
*Objective 2
*Objective 3
*Evaluation Criteria #1,n
*Evaluation Criteria #2,n
*Evaluation Criteria #3,n
It is imperative that your needs statement, goals, objectives, and evaluation criteria align.
For example, Goal #1, Objective #1, and Evaluation Criteria #1 must align and collectively meet the needs statement.
When developing your objectives, use the SMART objectives framework; list each of your project objectives.
• Project objectives must be specific.
• Project objectives must be measurable.
• Project objectives must be achievable.
• Project objectives must be realistic.
• Project objectives must be time-based.
Part 2
3–5 pages, provide your Methodology and Evaluation Plans.
• Program descriiption
• Research design
• Human subjects (sample)
• Study validity and reliability
• Assumptions and limitations
• Time line
• Analysis (and/or see Evaluation below)
• Non-personnel resources
o Facilities, supplies, technology, etc.
o Any non-personnel resources that will appear in the proposal budget should be described
• Personnel resources
o Who will be assigned or hired?
• Management plan (Work plan)
o Who will be responsible for which activities
o What is the timeline associated with activities (first quarter, second quarter, third quarter, fourth quarter, ongoing)?
o How will the project be managed?
The Evaluation Plan includes:
• Descriiption of the specific criteria that will measure the success of the project
• Explanation of data that will be collected
o Verify if your grant application will require an institutional review board (IRB) approval.
• Explanation of the data collection plans at the beginning, mid-program, and final evaluation
• Evaluation instruments that will be used and an explanation of why these instruments were selected
• Plans for writing the periodic reports to keep the funder updatedProgram Descriiption
• Include one to two paragraphs of a descriiption of your program, outlining the specific services your program will offer and outlining whom the services will
be provided to.
Research Design
• In the research design section, you want to show the funders the type of data you will collect to evaluate if your program is meeting its goals and objectives.
You will pick either qualitative or quantitative methods to collect data. Avoid using mixed methods as this can be difficult for a novice grant writer. You will
also explain how you will collect qualitative or quantitative data from your participants. This section should be one to two paragraphs. See below for more
information on qualitative and quantitative data collection methods.
• Qualitative researchers explore participants’ experiences or perceptions of a phenomenon. Some of the ways that qualitative researchers can collect the
participants’ perceptions and experiences are via interviews, focus groups, or observations. The findings of the qualitative method are reported in narrative
format or words.
• The quantitative method is used to measure something, and the findings or results are reported in numeric (number) form. Some quantitative data
collection methods include pre/posttests, statistical tests, or Likert-based survey (where participants indicate their agreement or satisfaction with something
on a scale from 1-5, where 1 equals strongly agree and 5 equals strongly disagree).
Human Subjects
• In this section, outline the human beings you will collect data from.
Study Validity and Reliability
• Funders like to see a plan for reliable and valid data collection. In social science research, reliability is defined as the degree to which other researchers
could replicate the data collection and get the same results. In social science research, validity is defined as whether or not the researcher accurately
measures or explores what he or she intended to measure.
• Validity of the data is determined differently in qualitative and quantitative methods. In the qualitative method, validity is determined by transferability, or
whether or not the findings can be transferred to other settings. In quantitative research, reliability is determined by whether or not the instrument or
researcher is measuring what he or she intended to measure. In qualitative research, reliability cannot be determined; instead, researchers focus on
dependability of the findings, which means how the researcher ensured that the data collection and analysis process was consistent. In quantitative
methods, reliability is determined by demonstrating the accuracy of the instrument.
• Using the information above and from your text, in this section, outline how you will ensure that the qualitative or quantitative data you collect are valid and
Assumptions and Limitations
• In social science research, researchers must outline their assumptions. Assumptions are defined as what the researcher must assume to be true in their
study. Assumptions can be related to method, data collection, data analysis, or researcher bias. In qualitative methods, the researcher will have to assume
that the participants will provide honest answers about their experiences and perceptions. The qualitative researcher may also have to assume that he or she
will be able to accurately collect and analyze the data. In quantitative research, the researcher may have to assume that the instruments accurately measure
what they are supposed to measure. In addition, quantitative researchers may have to assume that they correctly perform statistical tests to have accurate
findings. In the first paragraph, explain what your methodological assumptions are based upon whether or you are using qualitative or quantitative methods.
• In social science research, limitations are defined as inherent weaknesses of the study that are outside of the researcher’s control. Limitations of the study
may relate to the method, data collection technique, data analysis, researcher bias, or population. In this section, consider the limitations of collecting either
qualitative or quantitative data. Consider the limitations of your data collection technique. Consider the limitations of your population. In the second
paragraph, outline the limitations based upon your chosen method.
• In this section, outline the timeline of data collection.
Evaluation Plan
• Funders like to see a clear evaluation plan for the proposed program. In the evaluation plan section of the RFP, you will explain how you will use the data you
collect from the Research Design section to evaluate the proposed program. How will you use the qualitative or quantitative data to evaluate if the program is
meeting its goals and objectives? If you are using the quantitative method and you are using an instrument, you will also need to explain how you will
evaluate the validity and reliability of the instrument here. You will also explain when the data will be collected. Will you collect data before, midway, or at the
end of the program? Finally, you will outline a clear plan for reporting the program evaluation findings to the funder (ie., quarterly reports of findings sent to
the funder).
Nonpersonal Resources
• In this section, explain the nonhuman resources you will need to run your program.
Personal Resources
• In this section, list all of the staff members required to run your program.
Management Plan
• In this section, explain who will manage your program and how he or she will manage the program.Part: 3 Include budget template
• Use the budget template provided below
Budget Template
• Insert the budget template here.
Budget Narrative
• Explain and justify, in complete sentences and paragraph form, each line item in the budget template.
Sustainability Plan
• Include one to two paragraphs explaining how you will sustain the program once the grant expires.
Note 2: Budget line items should consider the non-personnel and personnel resources listed in the methodology section.
• The Budget Narrative expands on the line items of the budget, providing a reviewer detail and justification for how you arrived at the projected dollar
amounts. For example: If hiring a consultant for $2,000 is a line item, the narrative might explain that this is based on 40 hours @ $50/hour.
• The Sustainability Plan explains how your agency plans to continue operating this program once the funding has run out.
• It also indicates where future funding and other resources might be obtained.


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