Compare MCOs, ACOs, and BPCIs with the initial FFS health insurance reimbursement programs.
· How does each control or reduce costs?
· How does each address issues with over and under utilization?
· How does each deal with quality of care?
· How does each deal with continuum of care?
Compare MCOs, ACOs, and BPCIs with the initial FFS health insurance reimbursement programs with regard to how they control or reduce costs.
LO2.1: Analyze how various healthcare reimbursement programs address issues with controlling costs.
Compare MCOs, ACOs, and BPCIs with the initial FFS health insurance reimbursement programs with regard to how they address issues of utilization.
LO2.2: Analyze the issues of utilization with regard to each of the health insurance reimbursement programs.
Compare MCOs, ACOs, and BPCIs with the initial FFS health insurance reimbursement programs with regard to how they address quality of care for patients.
LO2.3: Analyze the methods used by various health insurance reimbursement programs to ensure quality of care for patients.
Compare MCOs, ACOs, and BPCIs with the initial FFS health insurance reimbursement programs with regard to the continuum of care for patients.
LO2.4: Analyze how various healthcare reimbursement programs provide continuum of care for patients.