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Healthcare Issues

Introduction (1-2 paragraphs)
• Consider offering a brief background about the virus and its current effect on
the United States (no more than half a page).
• Introduce the specific health care topic you will address.
• Develop a clear thesis statement.
• Use a lead-in hook to engage your readers’ interest. You might use a striking
quotation, an interesting statistic or fact, or a related current event. Whatever
your choice, the lead-in must be clearly related to the healthcare topic.
• You may present your thesis statement in the introduction; however, you have
the opportunity to place the claim at another point in your essay. It should
stand out as the claim (when I read it) and the reasons you offer, leading to
your claim, should make sense—I should not wonder where you are headed
with the essay.

Sample thesis statement: While many argue that medicinal marijuana
should not be legal, it should because it . . . (You would then list your two or
three reasons for your argument.)
While many argue that medicinal marijuana should be legal, it should not be
because it . . . (Again, you would list your two or three reasons for your
I do not list reasons in case you decide to use this topic.
Notice the mention of the opposition first and then the transition to the main argument and
reasons. You will address the opposition in this essay—see the comments below in the
Opposition section.
Body (several paragraphs based on the purpose of your discussion).
The content within the body paragraphs will be based on inclusion of opposition, their views,
and your argumentative/persuasive thoughts.
It is important to acknowledge the opposition with respect as you address their views and
values, offering validity for their beliefs. Please do not argue against their ideas in the section
devoted to their views. You will argue against them in your sections. Therefore, it makes sense
to include the opposition right after the introduction. You might consider the development of
at least two paragraphs (possibly three). The opposition’s reasons will be the focus of
each paragraph. Make sure topic sentences are clear.
This section should be included after your introduction (before you begin addressing your
argument). Again, do not attack the opposition in their sections. Your goal is to offer valid
reasons for their views. You will argue against them in the sections of your arguments.
Note: at least one of your sources should support the opposition. You will cite from this
source when addressing their views. Because you may not be familiar with the
opposition’s side, the paragraphs can be comprised of content from the source. I will not
fault you for this; however, when you address your argument, please include more of
your own analysis. The sources you include are only provided to support your view.
Your argument/persuasive sections:
When you select the one area of focus about healthcare, there will be specific details you will
include as support. For example, if you focus on why it is or is not necessary to wear masks to
prevent additional health care issues from arising, you might offer examples related to the
specific locations where masks did or did not prevent the spread of the Coronavirus or other
health-related issues. You would also include personal information on how this affects you.
This might require a few paragraphs that address your experience with masks.
Again, the example provided is for illustration purposes.
Because you may include personal information, the use of first-person pronouns (I, me, my,
our, we, us) is appropriate for this assignment; however, careful with including too many. If
you indicate, “I believe . . “ or “In my opinion . . “ points will be deducted. The entire essay is
what you believe. These types of phrases are wordy and unnecessary.
Remember, your goal is to convince the audience to consider your claim. While personal
content might be used, I ask that you include secondary sources to provide evidence to support
your argument.
Please keep the following in mind when generating all body paragraphs:
• Discuss the identified points of your specific issue.
• Develop each idea in a separate paragraph. (It is possible to discuss one idea
in several paragraphs).
• Pay attention to proper paragraph development by moving from a general
idea (often in a topic sentence) to specific details via explanations and
• Finish paragraphs with a clincher or closing sentence rather than with
someone else’s thought (quote). Always explain after a quote.
• Transition properly from paragraph to paragraph to achieve overall
Incorporating sources in the text and on the Works Cited:
Please select at least five secondary sources, that are considered credible, reliable, and
current. Include appropriate content from the sources to support your analysis, and cite these
appropriately within the essay and on the Works Cited. The first word from each entry on the
Works Cited should be included in parenthesis within the essay.
Evidence that supports your claim—you should incorporate specific examples of support
from sources where appropriate within the essay. Again, you will decide where these examples
are to be included; however, do not generate one paragraph devoted to sources. I will deduct
20 points from the final essay grade if you develop this type of paragraph. Evidence
should naturally be included throughout the content of the body.
The Works Cited is included as a separate page after the essay content. Note: The Works
Cited is not counted in the minimum page count. Again, avoid including too much
information from sources and too much personal information. You are incorporating sources
to support YOUR ideas about the topic and to establish credibility.
You must submit an accurately developed Works Cited with this assignment or I will
deduct up to 10 points from the final essay grade. Why? You will have submitted a
Works Cited before the essay due date. This is your opportunity for me to offer feedback
about cited sources. You can make changes before submitting the final paper.
You must include web addresses for sources located on the Internet. If I have a question
about one of the sources, I should have access to the link, so I can visit the site.
Conclusion—1-2 paragraphs
Use this last paragraph (or two) to offer recommendations based on the specific focus. What
can be done to improve or eliminate what you address? You might ask a rhetorical question
(something that leaves the reader wondering about the future).
Avoid using: “in conclusion,” or “in summary,” or “finally,” etc. I know I’ve reached the end
of the essay, so you do not need to announce.
Essay Length: 6 full-8 pages. Include a Works Cited (not included in the page count).
Use MLA format to incorporate sources within the paper and on the Works Cited. The
Resources’ area of Blackboard offers some guidance concerning MLA guidelines. I
recommend using the Owl Purdue website.
Important: You must incorporate documentation in the essay. Not doing so will result in my
not reading the assignment (in other words, no points will be awarded).
• Include your claim in bold (thesis statement).
• Generate a creative title—one that does not announce the paper’s focus.
• If possible, remain in the present tense, unless you incorporate quotes written in
the past tense.
• Double space entire document; avoid the inclusion of more than 2 lines between
• Include the MLA heading on the first page of the essay (it should be included
only on the first page).
• Include your last name and page number at the far, top right corner of each
• Indent each paragraph from left margin.
• Set margins to 1” for all four sides of the page.
• Please use 12 size font, Times New Roman or calibri.


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