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Human Behavior in the Social Environment Research Paper

SW503A- Fall 2021
Human Behavior in the Social Environment Research Paper (30-points)
Purpose: To complete a research paper referencing developmental theory and academic research
that examines a developmental challenge experienced in infancy, childhood or adolescences (e.g.
a child diagnosed with a physical or mental disability, an adolescent living in foster care, a child
with cancer or diabetes, etc.).
The research paper contains 5 sections. Please follow the outline carefully. Clearly title each
section using headers and sub headers as needed and adhere to page limits. Papers should be 8-
10 pages in length, excluding the cover and reference page(s). Pages beyond the 10h
page will
not be read. Use APA format for paper, references and citations. Papers will be graded
according to overall mastery of the covered material. Writing is expected to be clear,
grammatically correct, of graduate level quality, and consistent with professional standards of
communication with APA guidelines applied throughout.
Section 1. Introduction (1 paragraph):
 Create a vignette centered around a child between the ages of 10 and 17. The pseudo child’s
development will serve as the reference point to compare to a typical child at the same
developmental stage. In introducing the pseudo child, define the developmental stage and
condition you will be reviewing in the paper. Since the vignette is the only fictional portion
of this paper, use your imagination to set the stage for your research-based analysis. Also, be
sure to use citations while defining the developmental stage and condition.
Section 2. Life Stage (2-3 pages):
 First, choose a particular life stage between the age of 10 to 17 years of life (identify the age
range of selected stage as it is related to infancy, childhood, or adolescents). Briefly describe
the chosen life stage discussing the typical points of development for each of the following:
o relevant physiological developmental markers
o cognitive developmental markers
o psychological developmental markers (including applicable psychosocial crisis for
the selected life stage as applicable).
**You should include 2 of the following theorists in your review:
i. Piaget
ii. Freud
iii. Erikson
iv. Vygotsky
v. Bowlby/Ainsworth
vi. Norton (Dual Perspective)
vii. Other theorists can be used especially if focusing on diverse experiences in
identity development – discuss with instructor prior to inclusion in paper
Use the theoretical frameworks presented in the course text and reviewed in class as
applicable. Add additional reference material on human development from other sources
as needed to develop your review.
Section 3. Disability, Stigma, Stressor, Problematic Condition (3-pages):
 Select only ONE of the following stressors and provide a brief description noting any ways the
stressors presents uniquely in the age group selected.
SW503A- Fall 2021
o A particular chronic illness or challenge/ disability
o Minority/stigmatized status due to gender, race, ethnicity or sexual orientation
o Other stressful condition (poverty, addiction, victimization, trauma, mental illness,
 Present a discussion on the impact of the stressor on the development and functioning during
the specific life stage (age group) you selected in section 2. For example, how does the
diagnosis of diabetes in childhood potentially impact development across physiological and
psychosocial domains for the child now and as they grow older.
 In your discussion, use a critical lens to describe how the developmental theories described
in section 2, contribute to and limit the understanding of the selected stressor for the infant,
child, or adolescent.
**Citations from the research literature are required for this section. The course text
should only be used as supplement in this review.**
Section 4. Application of the Systems Perspectives: Family, community, institutional and
broader ecological influences (2-3 pages):
 As applicable, discuss the impact of family / social networks, community, broader
institutional, policy, and ecological influences relevant to your particular topic (for example:
schools, community, health care system, historical experiences with oppression, state or
federal policy, etc.) on the developmental tasks and psychosocial crisis of this stage.
 How do the above identified entities contribute to, support, and/ or inhibit management of the
condition for a person within the reviewed developmental stage? **Review at least 2
entities in your discussion and cite as applicable research support for this review, using
research literature and the course text to guide your discussion.**
 In your discussion, describe short and long-term impacts on the child or adolescent
as a result of the systems linkages reviewed. These can include contributing and
inhibiting linkages in the child’s growth/coping based on your review of the
**Citations from the research literature are required for this section. The course text
should only be used as supplement in this review.**
Section 5. Conclusion and Summary of Meaning (1-page):
 Conclude with a summary of the meaning this written assignment has had for your
developing knowledge base on human behavior in the social environment and your
orientation toward social work using a critical lens to your practice. Specify what
knowledge has been expanded or perspectives changed given your review of
developmental theory and the research literature on the selected condition. In this
effort, note any limitations or strengths you found in the process of critically
reviewing the literature and/or application of theory as you move forward as a
practicing social worker.
Required Formatting and References:
Format and Length: Required length is 8-10 type-written pages (excluding cover and
references pages). Write using APA formatting guidelines, Times New Roman font, 1-inch
SW503A- Fall 2021
margins, double spaced, and use of headers and sub-headers. Please carefully proofread your
papers. The quality of writing for these papers is expected to meet graduate school standards and
be free to typos and grammatical errors. Do not write in the first person, except in the last part,
the “Summary of Meaning” section.
References: You are required to use at least 6 scholarly references. These references should
come from peer reviewed academic/ research journal articles.
– The course textbook if used does not count as one of required reference/source but
should be used in the paper to support the theory application, along with other texts as
– Appropriate professional internet sources are allowable but do not count towards the
required 6 references.
– Please follow the APA format for citations and references. Departures from APA format
will result in lowered grades.
**See the assignment rubric posted on BeachBoard for guidance on how the paper will be
Note: Submit to Dropbox on due date prior to the start of class, November 1, 2021
(see syllabus for course schedule)
Any papers not submitted by the due date/time are subject to a 5 point reduction for each day
as a penalty if prior arrangements were not made with the instructor on the late submission
(see policy outlined in course syllabus).
You are welcome to upload copies to Beachboard in advance of due date.


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