[04] Educational Flyer
Human Rights Educational Flyer
For this assignment, you will create an educational flyer on a single current human rights issue. You are free to choose a human rights issue that interests you from UN Human Rights list HERE. Gun rights pro/con and abortion pro/con cannot be used. The flyer topic also needs to be based on a current issue, not a historical event.
The flyer will be created in Microsoft Word. The first page of your Word document will be the flyer; the flyer is to be one page in length only. The second page of your Word document will contain your 7 sentences (see below) and MLA formatted works cited page including your researched information and image sources. While you will include researched support, the majority (80%) of the flyer’s text content must be in your own original words. Researched support must be specific (not general) such as specific examples, data, and so on.
The flyer must include:
2 images only, no more and no less. A picture of a quote is not considered an image.
At least 7 sentences of text including a topic sentence identifying and explaining the human rights issue, support, and solutions for the problem that the flyer’s readers can enact.
Be sure to study the Assignment Workshop for information on using credible sources. Cite information source(s) and all images.
Please see this guide for how to format your sources.
Submit the assignment as one file only in either Word or PDF file format.
Please click HERE to run your paper through Turnitin to check for grammar and plagiarism errors prior to submitting for a grade. Keep in mind that any work submitted to the Check Your Work folder WILL NOT be graded or even seen by your teacher. This folder is used solely as a place for you to check your drafts and get feedback before it’s graded. To access the feedback, go to Assessments, Assignments, and click on View Feedback.
If you’d like help avoiding plagiarism, please email your teacher, visit our online library (the Learning Resource Center), or feel free to book a one-on-one appointment with a writing coach in the writing lab: BOOK HERE