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Assignment brief:

In 2018 Some large Brands dominated the Global Mobile Phone Industry. These companies included Apple Corp, Samsung, Huawei, Oppo, Vivo & Xiaomi.

These companies are large employers in the World and contribute significantly to World Economic growth.

You are asked to discuss the level of competition in the Mobile Phone Industry and to reflect on your learning process.

This individual assignment contributes towards 40% of your INT1013 Principles of Economics module grade.

• Working on Coursework has been shown to enhance learning as it enables a variety of ideas to be illustrated and encourages active learning.
• Enables students to develop a range of interpretation skills.
• In turn this enables students to become more employable as they can exhibit the skills required by both higher education providers and employers.
• Research inspired and inquiry-led learning is at the heart of both INTO and the University’s approach to learning and teaching.
• Working on Coursework allows students to engage with economic research.
• Also working on a project can reinforce understanding of ideas.

Why Group Work?
Engaging in group work offers a wide range of benefits. The University of Exeter’s Guidance for Group Work1 , for example, suggests the following educational benefits: a) Working collaboratively has been shown to enhance learning as it enables a variety of ideas to be discussed and encourages active learning. b) Enables students to develop a range of interpersonal skills including communication, negotiation and leadership. In turn this enables our students to become more employable as they can exhibit the skills required by employers. c) Research inspired and inquiry-led learning is at the heart of the University’s approach to learning and teaching. Working collaboratively with both staff and students allows students to actively engage with current research. I would also add that working in a group can promote the sharing of ideas and problemsolving skills, as some students might feel less intimidated and more willing to discuss work with their peers. 2 – Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) Upon completion of this assessment, the learning outcomes you are expected to achieve are: • Use charts and summary measures to discuss the extent of climate change and its possible causes. • Use line charts to describe the behaviour of real-world variables over time. • Summarize data in a frequency table and visualize distributions using? column charts. • Describe a distribution using mean and variance. • Use scatterplots and the correlation coefficient to assess the degree of association between two variables. • Explain what correlation measures and what the limitations of correlation are. • Prepare and organise work individually and in groups using a range of available technologies. • Work positively and collaboratively in groups, managing any conflict that might arise. 3 – Instructions This assignment has a group component (worth 80%) and an individual component (worth 20%). Each has to be submitted separately on the ELE page by the deadline.

8) operated in the UK since 2016.
• This could show a breakdown of Profits, Turnover, Staff, no of Stores, Market share and so on (maximum number of comparison fields =10)

For the group Word submission you must cover (through research):

9) the detail of each of the four supermarkets including brief history of ownership, what sector of the market does it cover, how much market share it has.
10) Finally for this section using MICROECONOMIC THEORY discuss what type of market structure your group believe that the UK Supermarket industry is in: i.e is it a pure monopoly, a duopoly or other forms?

B – Individual Component (learning Journal : worth 20% of the assignment mark)

All members of your group also have to produce an individual learning journal of up to 500 words in a single file that should give your group and student number as a name ( eg group A1_5665565 (using your university reg no.)

What is a Learning Journal?

SECTION A – MEASURING COMPETITION IN THE MOBILE PHONE INDUSTRY IN 2018 (90%) Answer ALL questions (1 – 3) maximum wordcount for this section is 1500 words.

Question 1: Key Principle related to purchase of a Mobile Phone (Total 10%)

Explain the Optimization concept and apply it to an individual’s mobile phone purchase decision.

Question 2: Price determination analysis: (Total 40%)

Describe, using economic concepts/theory (demand, supply and elasticities), the determinants of the price of mobile phones (in general).

Please note, you are required to reference your sources clearly and to present information in appropriate diagrams for comparison.

Question 3: Market Structure (40%)

a) Identify and explain the market structure for Mobile phones in 2018. (10%)
b) Analyse the effect of the mobile phone market structure on the price of mobile phones (in general) and the profitability of mobile phone manufacturers. (20%)
c) Explain how the market structure of the mobile phone industry might affect firms seeking to enter the industry. (10%)

Tips for completion:
You can paste pictures or charts into your Word document – but only if it adds value to your answers. You can use graphs or diagrams from e-textbooks or your own diagrams to illustrate levels of competition in your submission.

SECTION B – Learning Journal (10% marks)

Prepare a Learning Journal of up to 300 words. (Maximum wordcount for this section is 300 words)

What is a learning Journal?

• A learning journal is a collection of notes, observations, thoughts and other relevant materials built-up over the period of time it takes to complete the coursework.
• Its purpose is to enhance your learning through the very process of writing and thinking about your learning experiences.
• Your learning journal is personal to you and will reflect your personality and experiences.
• The learning journal should focus on your own personal responses, reactions and reflections to the process that lead to the ‘final product’

You need to answer these questions:

• What new knowledge, skills or understanding have you gained during the process of completing the assignment?
• What were the main challenges you encountered and how did you overcome them?
• What resources have helped you to understand and/or been interesting to use?
• How can you improve your learning, thinking and working in the future?
• If you were to complete this assignment again would you do anything differently?


Submit your answers to Section A and Section B in ONE document to BART by 2:00pm BST Monday 1st November 2021.

See guidance on page 7 for submission.

Possible References for Research:

The following is not a definitive list but will give you some opportunities to research:

Referencing Style and Guidance

INTO and the University has adopted the APA referencing style.
The full guide can be found here:

Plagiarism and academic misconduct is something we take very seriously. Please make sure you abide by the rules by consulting the Academic Honesty and Plagiarism Guidance here:


Important: check your submission deadline and time. All work must be submitted through BART. Late submission will be subject to university regulations – your grade may be capped at 40% (0% if more than two weeks late). If you require an essay extension due to special circumstances, contact your teacher and complete the required mitigation/extension form.
To apply for mitigation, you need to complete this form via this link: and provide evidence.

Please forward the completed form and evidence if available to

For more detailed information on the process, please see the link below.

If you have any questions, please email

Submission Information
Save your work as a .pdf (in MS Word: File > Save as > Browse > Save as type > select PDF from drop down menu > Save)
All formally assessed written work must be submitted through BART.
Log-in to iExeter using your ID and password. Click on MY COURSE then BART SUBMISSION
Locate the correct module assignment from the list then click the SUBMIT ONLINE button next to it. You will find a screen similar to this with YOUR module name and code at the top:

Assessment Criteria

Criteria for Assessment at QCF Level 4
Knowledge & Understanding of Subject
0-25% (WEAK FAIL) Major gaps in knowledge and understanding. Significant inaccuracies.
26 -39% (FAIL) Gaps in knowledge and superficial understanding. Some inaccuracies.
40-49% (3rd) Threshold level. Broadly accurate knowledge and understanding of the material. Some elements missing and flaws evident.
50-59% (2.2) Sound, routine knowledge and understanding of the material, main concepts and key theories.
Some flaws may be evident.
60-69% (2.1) Good, consistent knowledge and understanding of the material, main concepts and key theories at this level.
70-85% (1st) Detailed knowledge and understanding of the main concepts/ theories at this level. Beginning to show awareness of the limitations of the knowledge base.
86%-100%(1st) Highly detailed knowledge and understanding of material, concepts and theories at this level. Awareness of the ambiguities and limitations of knowledge.

Cognitive/Intellectual Skills
(e.g. analysis and synthesis; logic
and argument; analytical reflection; organisation and communication of ideas and evidence)
0-25% (WEAK FAIL) Brief and irrelevant. Descriptive.
Only personal views offered. Unsubstantiated generalisations. Little or no attempt to draw conclusions
26 -39% (FAIL) For the most part descriptive. Views/ findings sometimes illogical or contradictory. Generalisations/ statements made with scant evidence. Conclusions lack relevance and/or validity
40-49% (3rd) Threshold level. Some awareness of issues. Sense of argument emerging though not completely coherent. Some evidence to support views, but not always consistent. Some relevant conclusions
50-59% (2.2) Issues identified within given areas. An emerging awareness of different stances and ability to use evidence to support a coherent argument.
Broadly valid conclusions.
60-69% (2.1) Good analytical ability. Acknowledgement of views of others. Arguments generally logical, coherently expressed, well organised and supported.
Sound conclusions.
70-85% (1st) Very good analysis throughout. Perceptive and persuasive points made within given area. Explicit acknowledgement of other stances. Arguments well- articulated, and logically developed with a range of evidence.
Strong conclusions.
86%-100%(1st) Logical, articulate analysis a consistent feature. Persuasive points made throughout the work within a highly articulate, balanced argument. Judiciously selected evidence, drawn from relevant research.
Convincing conclusions
Use of Research-informed Literature
(including referencing, appropriate academic conventions and academic honesty)
0-25% (WEAK FAIL) No evidence of reading. Views are unsupported and non- authoritative. Academic conventions largely ignored.
26 -39% (FAIL) Evidence of little reading appropriate for the level of study, and/or indiscriminate use of sources. Academic conventions used weakly.
40-49% (3rd) Threshold level. Some evidence of reading, with superficial linking to given text(s).
Some academic conventions evident and largely consistent, but with some weaknesses
50-59% (2.2) Knowledge of literature beyond core text(s). Literature used accurately but descriptively. Academic skills generally sound.
60-69% (2.1) Knowledge of the field of literature appropriately used to support views. Research-informed literature integrated into the work. Good use of academic conventions.
70-85% (1st) Critical engagement with appropriate reading. Knowledge of research-informed literature embedded in the work.
Consistently accurate use of academic conventions.
86%-100%(1st) Exceptionally wide range of relevant literature used critically to inform argument, balance discussion and/or inform problem-solving. Consistently accurate and assured use of academic conventions.

Graduate Skills for Life and Employment
(e.g. Research-related skills; written, graphical and oral communication skills; numeracy;
group working; problem-solving; practical and professional skills)
0-25% (WEAK FAIL) Little or no evidence of the required skills in any of the skills areas.
26 -39% (FAIL) Limited evidence of skills in the range identified for the assessment at this level.
Significant weaknesses evident, which suggest that the candidate is not on course to gain skills necessary for graduate-level employment.
40-49% (3rd) Research skills: Some evidence of ability to collect appropriate data/ information and undertake straightforward research tasks with external guidance.
Can communicate in a range of formats, including orally, appropriate to the discipline(s),
but with evident weaknesses.
Can work effectively with others and meet most obligations to others (e.g. tutors and peers).
Some evidence of ability to apply methods appropriately to address a well-defined problem.
Able to recognise own strengths and weaknesses in relation to professional and practical skills identified by others, but lacking insight in some areas.
50-59% (2.2) Research skills: Can collect and interpret appropriate data/ information and undertake straightforward research tasks with external guidance.
Can communicate effectively in a range of formats, including orally, appropriate to the discipline(s).
Can work effectively with others, and meet obligations to others (e.g. tutors and peers).
Can apply methods accurately to address a well-defined problem, and begin to appreciate the complexity of the issues in the discipline.
Able to evaluate own strengths and weaknesses in relation to professional and practical skills identified by others.
60-69% (2.1) Research skills: Can collect and interpret appropriate data/ information and successfully undertake straightforward research tasks with limited external guidance.
Can communicate well and consistently in a range of formats, including orally, appropriate to the discipline(s).
Can work very effectively with others , and meet all obligations to others (e.g. tutors and peers).
Can apply methods accurately to address a well-defined problem, appreciating the complexity of the issues in the discipline.
Able to take initiative in evaluating own strengths and weaknesses in relation to professional and practical skills identified by others.
70-85% (1st) Research skills: Can collect and interpret appropriate data and successfully undertake research tasks with a degree of autonomy.
Can communicate very effectively in a range of formats, including orally, appropriate to the discipline(s).
Can work very effectively with others , showing leadership skills where appropriate, and meet all obligations to others (e.g. tutors and peers).
Can apply methods accurately and very effectively to address a well-defined problem, appreciating the complexity of the issues in the discipline.
Able to show insight and autonomy in evaluating own strengths and weaknesses in relation to professional and practical skills.
86%-100%(1st) Research skills: Can collect and interpret appropriate data/ information and undertake research tasks with autonomy and exceptional success.
Can communicate highly effectively in a range of formats, including orally, appropriate to the discipline(s).
Can work exceptionally well with others as a key member where appropriate, negotiating and meeting all obligations to others (e.g. tutors and peers).
Can apply methods accurately and highly effectively to address a well-defined problem, appreciating the complexity of a range of issues in the discipline.
Able to show insight and autonomy in evaluating own strengths and weaknesses in relation to professional and practical skills

INT1013 General Mark Scheme


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