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Naturalistic Observation OR Interview

At this point, your observation or interview for this assignment should be complete. (See attached for that)
Part 1: Naturalistic Observation or Interview.
Option 1:
Observe a setting that includes infants, toddlers, school-aged children, or adolescents. This could be done in a daycare setting, a school, or a church. Please
set up the observation with the leadership at the location of your choice and complete any necessary processes to spend time on site as a visitor. Select one
child/adolescent to focus your observation on. Observe for the following, as they will be key components in your presentation.
Note the physical, cognitive, and socioemotional developmental stages of the child you observe, using the theories and information outlined in your text.
If possible, pay attention to how the child interacts with other children and any interaction between the child and caregivers.
Consider what social and cultural factors appear to be influencing the child’s development. Identify challenges in development for your observed age group
as described in the text.
You need to spend enough time in your observations to be able to understand all bulleted items previously listed. It is recommended that you observe for at
least 45-60 minutes (and if possible, in more than one situation—for instance, recess and snack time, story group and free play, etc.—to obtain more
comprehensive information). Ensure that your final submission does not include any identifying features of the child(ren) or location you selected for your
Option 2:
Interview someone currently in late adulthood. Allow the person you interview to share the story of their family, faith, career, and any other important
memories with you. Note information about this person’s physical, cognitive, and socioemotional health. Be sure to address the following in your interview, as
they will be key components of your presentation:
What major events seemed to shape the person’s development?
Does this person seem to express integrity or despair according to Erikson (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2019, p. 508-509)?
In what ways has this person coped with loss? What, if any, significant loss has he or she experienced?
What role has religion played in the person’s life?
Part 2: Reflective Presentation
To describe your observation or interview, create a PowerPoint presentation with voice-over. The voiceover should last five to seven minutes to accompany
your slides.
The following components should be included in your presentation (8-10 slides, not including title slide or references):
Title slide.
Descriiption of your observation or interview.
Avoid including any identifying information, such as names of people or location, but you can describe the nature of the setting or background information,
for example, role of adults/staff involved (if any), activities occurring during observation, general location of interview.
Include any other details relevant to your analysis without revealing identity.
For instance, you could describe socioeconomic or cultural variables observed, religious or academic factors—e.g., “high-income area early childhood
Montessori school,” “Christian elementary-level Sunday school class,” “interview with older male with self-reported agnostic worldview”.
Key takeaways, focusing particularly on the bulleted requirements in the Part 1 instructions.
Report your personal experiences, impressions, reactions, and any new perspectives you have gained because of your experience.
Connections to the text as well as connections to at least two scholarly sources/academic journal articles .
Reference slide (APA format).


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