The student will develop, create and present a business proposal during the capstone course. Students may use a current business; a business the student wants to create or a fictitious business organization. The important key is for the student to critically think and research the business which will be used to develop a business plan in its entirety. The student will need to think about all the facets of a business for the duration of the Program Portfolio (Capstone) Project.
Create a leadership policy that has an emphasis on leadership theories. Your policy should include team building skills to enhance leadership effectiveness in the organization. Research examples to support the development of your Program Portfolio Project business organizational overview.
You are required to submit a 3-Page (Title Page and 2 Pages of Content), APA formatted paper with substantial content. Substantial content requires staying on topic and fully addresses the assignment in a clear, concise, and meaningful manner. The deliverable length of your posting responses must be at least 3-page (Title Page and 2 Pages of Content), APA format. Please review your paper for grammar and punctuation errors.
Submission must be the students original thoughts based on the topics from the “Open Educational Resource” (OER) Course Textbook and/or other referenced sources. Direct quotes from references must be less than 20 words. Please review for sentence structure, grammar and punctuation errors.
BOOK: https://saylordotorg.github.io/text_human-relations/
At least 2 pages of content needed.