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Provide and improve samsung’s current marketing strategies in the U.S.

1.2 Competitive Overview
Volume Value
Market size [year] Market growth vs LY [year]

Annual Sales Employees %m.s.
[year] m.s. growth vs LY
[My company] [Competitor 1] [Competitor 2] [Competitor 3]


Volume Value
Market size [year] Market growth vs LY [year]

Annual Sales Employees %m.s.
[year] m.s. growth vs LY
[My company] [Competitor 1] [Competitor 2] [Competitor 3]


2.4 Value Chain: company and competition analysis

R&D Production Marketing & Sales Customer Service
[Your Company] [Competitor 1 highlights] [Competitor 2 highlights] [Competitor 3 highlights]

1.3 Competences profile versus customer needs : company and benchmark with closest competitor

Competence profile
Customer [your company] [closest competitor]

Key success factors for the industry

Core competences of [your company name]

Explain what are the strengths and weaknesses that arise from your competence profile analysis :
Strengths Weaknesses

4.1 Financial Objective 2021
Net Sales Increase vs LY
Net sales 2021 B2C

Net sales 2021 B2B

4.2 Market Share Objective 2021
B2C :
% market share 2021 Delta vs 2020
% market share
% market growth

B2B :
% market share 2021 Delta vs 2020
% market share
% market growth


Write a paragraph for both B2B and B2C pillar outlining and sharing the pricing strategy for your company in your assigned country. In your answer, address the questions which are discussed below. Delete this text before submitting final plan.

For the B2B pillar:
Competitive Pricing: Provide an overview in the below table, on the key Product/ Service, pricing, and the brand positioning of the top 3 B2B competitors and your own company.
B2B Players Key Product/ Service Pricing Brand Positioning*
[Competitor 1] [Competitor 2] [Competitor 3] [Your own company] *Choose from the “green options” from Brand Positioning Pricing-Value Matrix: More for More / More for the same/ More for Less / The Same for Less / Less for Much Less
Value-based pricing: Focus on the ONE key Product/ Service for the B2B customer persona, using above current competitive pricing overview above: Provide your best estimation in answering the Van Westendorp questions:
[B2B customer Persona] [The Specific Key B2B Product/ Service] At what price would it be too expensive to be worth it, so you would not consider buying?
At what price it is expensive but you would still consider buying?
At what price would you consider cheap and is a good bargain?
At what price would you think it is too cheap to be trustworthy, and you would doubt the quality?

For the B2C pillar:
Competitive Pricing: Provide an overview in the below table, on the key Product/ Service, pricing and the brand positioning of the top 3 B2C competitors and your own company.
B2C Players Key Product/ Service Pricing Brand Positioning*
[Competitor 1] [Competitor 2] [Competitor 3] [Your own company] *Choose from the “green options” from Brand Positioning Pricing-Value Matrix: More for More / More for the same/ More for Less / The Same for Less / Less for Much Less
Value-based pricing: Focus on the ONE key Product/ Service for the B2C customer persona, using above current competitive pricing overview above: Provide your best estimation in answering the Van Westendorp questions:
[B2C customer Persona] [The Specific Key B2C Product/ Service] At what price would it be too expensive to be worth it, so you would not consider buying?
At what price it is expensive but you would still consider buying?
At what price would you consider cheap and is a good bargain?
At what price would you think it is too cheap to be trustworthy, and you would doubt the quality?

Write a paragraph for both B2B and B2C pillar outlining and sharing the pricing strategy for your company in your assigned country. In your answer, address the questions which are discussed below. Delete this text before submitting final.

Write a paragraph for both B2B and B2C pillar outlining and sharing the pricing strategy for your company in your assigned country. In your answer, address the questions which are discussed below. Delete this text before submitting final.

For the B2B pillar:

Strategic Pricing Elements: For your B2B business pillar, provide one example for each of the 5 strategic pricing elements as how this element could be applied in your B2B business
Visible / Invisible:
Online Pricing: Among online pricing elements and sub-elements listed in the table below, choose ONE of the most relevant elements and sub-element, and describe how it works for your B2B Marketing.
Key Online Pricing Elements Online Pricing Sub-Elements
Dynamic pricing Personalized Pricing
Auction Pricing
Pricing Cross-Subsidization Up-sell
Charge 3rd. Party

For our B2B business pillar, the most relevant online pricing element and sub-element are:….
This is how it will works:
For the B2C pillar:
Strategic Pricing Elements: For your B2C business pillar, provide one example for each of the 5 strategic pricing elements as how this element could be applied in your B2C business
Visible / Invisible:
Online Pricing: Among online pricing elements and sub-elements listed in the table below, choose ONE of the most relevant elements and sub-elements, and describe how it works for your B2C Marketing.
Key Online Pricing Elements Online Pricing Sub-Elements
Dynamic pricing Personalized Pricing
Auction Pricing
Pricing Cross-Subsidization Up-sell
Charge 3rd. Party

For our B2C business pillar, the most relevant online pricing element and sub-element are:….
This is how it will works:
For both B2B and B2C pillar outlining and explaining the distribution strategy for your company in your assigned country and how the primary concerns of buyers are addressed. In your answer, address the questions which are discussed below. Refer to the Delivering Customer Value Overview video in blackboard for an example. Delete this text before submitting final.
B2C pillar:
Graph the consumer marketing channels you would recommend using for your company in your country of choice.

Consumer Marketing Channels
[Insert graph]

Distribution System
Address what type of distribution you would be using for your company in your country for B2C and provide rationale in paragraph below. Delete this instruction before handing in final plan.

Channel Member Value
Referencing the marketing channel above, indicate each member of the marketing channel and top two “value” each performs. If channel is direct, identify how the company performs any two of the values. Delete this instruction before handing in final plan.

Addressing Buyer’s Concerns
Write one sentence on how your company addresses each of the primary concerns for buyers. Delete this instruction before handing in final plan.
B2B pillar:
Graph the B2B marketing channels you would recommend using for your company in your country of choice.
Consumer Marketing Channels
[Insert graph]

Distribution System
Address what type of distribution you would be using for your company in your country for B2B and provide rationale in paragraph below. Delete this instruction before handing in final plan.

Channel Member Value
Referencing the marketing channel above, indicate each member of the marketing channel and top two “value” each performs. If channel is direct, identify how the company performs any two of the values. Delete this instruction before handing in final plan

Addressing Buyer’s Concerns
Write one sentence on how your company addresses each of the primary concerns for buyers. Delete this instruction before handing in final plan.
Marketing Program

Integrated Marketing Communications: Media Placement and Promotion Schedule
[Write a paragraph for both B2C and B2B pillar outlining and sharing the IMC strategy for your company in your assigned country. It is suggested that you use the below table to address your IMC strategy. In your answer, address the questions which are discussed below. Afterwards delete this text for your final.
Create the awareness of the new product
Stimulate the consideration for purchasing of the new product
Generate the purchase preference to this new product above other competitive products
Complete the last purchase step
Customer feedback and recommendations (retention & loyalty)

[Provide an completed Media Placement and Promotion Schedule in the below table, for your own company for both your B2C and your B2B pillar. Afterwards delete this text for your final.] [Use the Media Placement and Promotion Schedule Template Excel Support File provided. Afterwards delete this text for your final.] [For your Media Placement and Promotion Schedule you are provided with an annual B2C budget of €200.000,00 as well as an annual B2B budget of €200.000,00. See the DRAFT Pricing Template for main price references and add your own prices if needed but make sure you provide the correct source . Afterwards delete this text for your final
[Apply any relevant Input from your previous work; for example useful Seasonal Opportunities in your Country from your Pestle, Porters Five Forces and Competitive

Overview – also Strengths from your Value Chain, Competence profile and Prioritization Matrix – so linking actions from your TOWS – with your STP Analysis, B2C and B2B Personae, SMART Objectives and Value Proposition Canvas and Customer Insights, to reach your B2C and B2B Target Groups best in your assigned country. Afterwards delete this text for your final.] [During the session you will have the opportunity to review with your classmates and receive peer feedback. Following class, the sections should be refined to be added into your final graded. Afterwards delete this text for your final
[Use the Week 5 Media Placement and Promotion Schedule Template Excel Support File provided on BB. Afterwards delete this text for your final
6.2 Justification of your B2C Paid Media Placement
[Clearly explain the reasoning/objective for your specific selection of your B2C Paid Media – Including for example TV, Social Media etcetera – Afterwards delete this text for your final
6.3 Justification of your B2C Promotion Placement
[Clearly explain the reasoning/objective and brief concept of your B2C Consumer Promotion and why you place it there in your one year overview
and/or clearly explain the reasoning/objective and brief concept of your B2C Trade Promotion and why you place it there in your one year overview. Afterwards delete this text for your final
6.4 Justification of your B2C Public Relations Placement

[Clearly explain the reasoning/objective for your specific selection of your B2C Public relations and why you place it there in your one year overview. Afterwards delete this text for your final
6.5 Justification of your B2C Event/B2C Sponsorship Placement
[Clearly explain the reasoning/objective and brief concept of your B2C Event and/or B2C Sponsorship and why you place it there in your one year overview Afterwards delete this text for your fina
6.6 Justification of any OTHER B2C Placement you find relevant
[Afterwards delete this text for your.] 6.7 Justification of your B2B Paid Media Placement
[Clearly explain the reasoning/objective for your specific selection of your B2B Paid Media – See Business-to-Business Marketing, Brennan: Ch. 7 Market Communication, pgs. 174-204 and Ch. 8 Relationship Communication, pgs. 205-228 – Afterwards delete this text for
6.8 Justification of your B2B Trade Promotion Placement
Take note: No Consumer Promotion required for your B2B Promotion Placement. Clearly explain the reasoning/objective and brief concept of your B2B Trade Promotion and why you place it there in your one year overview. Afterwards delete this text for your final
6.9 Justification of your B2B Public Relations Placement
[Clearly explain the reasoning/objective for your specific selection of your B2C Public relations and why you place it there in your one year overview. Afterwards delete this text for your final
6.10 Justification of your B2B Trade Show Event/ B2B Sponsorship Placement
[Clearly explain the reasoning/objective for your specific selection of your B2B Trade Show Event/ B2B Sponsorship – See Business-to-Business Marketing, Brennan: Ch. 7 Market Communication, pgs. 174-204 and Ch. 8 Relationship Communication, pgs. 205-228 – Afterwards delete this text for your final.] 6.11 Justification of any OTHER B2B Placement you find relevant
[Afterwards delete this text for your final .]

See DRAFT MKT Pricing Template (Tab3) in the Week 5 Media Placement and Promotion Schedule Excel Support down below:

B2C Annual Budget = € 200,000.00
1 year Seasonal Input B2C Paid (Incl Social Media) Promotion (Consumer or Trade) PR Event/Sponsorship Other Costs in € 1 year Seasonal Input B2C Paid (Incl Social Media) Promotion (Consumer or Trade) PR Event/Sponsorship Other Costs in €
January 1, 2021 July 1, 2021
Introduction € 0.00 ? € 0.00
New Year € 0.00 € 0.00
? € 0.00 € 0.00
€ 0.00 € 0.00
February 1, 2021 August 1, 2021
Valentine € 0.00 ? € 0.00
Carnival € 0.00 € 0.00
Spring Festival € 0.00 € 0.00
€ 0.00 € 0.00
March 1, 2021 September 1, 2021
? € 0.00 ? € 0.00
? € 0.00 € 0.00
? € 0.00 € 0.00
€ 0.00 € 0.00
April 1, 2021 October 1, 2021
? € 0.00 ? € 0.00
? € 0.00 Mid-Autumn Festival € 0.00
? € 0.00 October Fest € 0.00
€ 0.00
May 1, 2021 November 1, 2021
? € 0.00 Singles Day 11/11 € 0.00
? € 0.00 ? € 0.00
? € 0.00 € 0.00
€ 0.00 € 0.00
June 1, 2021 December 1, 2021
? € 0.00 Xmass € 0.00
? € 0.00 Year End € 0.00
? € 0.00 ? € 0.00
€ 0.00 € 0.00
Q1 + Q2 Costs € 0.00 Q3 + Q4 Costs € 0.00
Q1 + Q2 + Q3 + Q4 Costs € 0.00

8.3 Marketing Objectives 2021
Objectives description B2C Marketing Plan Actions KPIs







Objectives description B2B Marketing Plan Actions KPIs






Million euros 2021 % of sales
Net sales [your 2021 Financial Objective stated in Chapter 4] 100%
Cost of sales [Assumption: 40%] Gross Margin
Marketing costs
Cost of sales force [Assumption: same as your Mktg costs] Marketing costs [total costs in your Mktg Plan] Contribution Margin /
Net Marketing Contribution

9.1 Budget scenarios
Budgeting method scenario Allocated budget Your rationale Your personal opinion
Percentage-of-sales budgeting

Competitive-parity budgeting

9.2 Budget 2021 tracking template
[Complete your budget tracking template in the excel template provided in BB. Afterwards, copy and paste as image, ensuring readability, as in the example below. Review the “Instructions file” for further details. Finally, delete this text and the example below for your final version]

Cost estimation:


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