Students will write a research proposal to fund a survey that pertains to peanut allergies and children. Your maximum budget for this research is $400,000. You may pick your audience. Make the audience known to the reader in the beginning of the paper. Please use the material contained in Chapter 3 of your text beginning on page 79.
Your tasks:
Proposals should be formatted using the following guidelines. (See page 81 of your text).
Title Page that includes your name, class and section name, date, project title, name of the agency you’re requesting funding from (funding source), beginning and end dates of the proposed funding period, and total amount of funds requested. (Does not count toward the page limit)
No Table of Contents needed
Abstract of your research proposal
Project description which includes several sub-sections: introduction, problem statement and significance, goals and objectives, methods and procedures, evaluation and dissemination.
References in APA style (Does not count toward the page limit)Budget with justification
Appendices (charts, etc.) (Does not count toward the page limit)
Prepare your proposal in MS Word with 1-inch margins on all sides, single-spaced and 12 pt. Times New Roman font. Do not exceed 3 pages. You must use headings. You can use a table for your budget and you can use one additional graph, chart or table as needed to share data. Upload your research proposal to the classroom assignment tab any time before the due date. All references to source material must be in APA format. Use Safeassign before submitting your proposal in the final submission folder and remember to read your originality report. Your Safeassign score should be under 40% after your back out any false positives (Safeassign will flag references and other items that are not plagarism so you have to back those out of your % Sscore).