Research question Is there an optimal distance from the door a person can be in which door-holding becomes likely?
Details: This project involves changes in subjects door holding behavior dependent on how far the researchers, or some confederate, are away from the individual who is potentially holding the door open.
Supplies needed: Something capable of measuring distance from the door, data taking materials (pen and paper). If the researchers are not acting as confederates they may need to enlist peers to serve this role.
Core literature: Kerber, K. W. (1984). The perception of nonemergency helping situations: Costs, rewards, and the altruistic personality.
Santamaria, J. P., & Rosenbaum, D. A. (2011). Etiquette and effort: Holding doors for others. Psychological Science, 22(5), 584-588.
Fox, G. R., Araujo, H. F., Metke, M. J., Shafer, C., & Damasio, A. (2015). How does the effort spent to hold a door affect verbal thanks and reciprocal help? Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 9.