Root Cause of Community Problem
For this discussion, you will identify three root causes of the community need you have selected for your grant proposal (see Week One). In addition, you will identify the effects of the problem and your proposed solution. This is a brainstorming activity to start you thinking about the problem and its solutions. Use your creativity, and rely on your appreciation for innovation. You are not committed to any solutions at this point; you will have the opportunity to make a selection later in the course.
Download the Problem Tree Download Problem Treeexample and the Problem Tree Template Download Problem Tree Templateto create your problem tree for your community need. This activity will help you create your problem statement for this week’s discussion.
Example: What is the problem? Increased high school drop rate in a community. What are the possible root causes? Lack of education, lack of parental supervision, low income, etc. Now, look at the problem as the symptom or outcome of the identified causes and begin to envision possible solutions. Use the image of a tree to organize the information that you have obtained.
· What is the problem? (trunk)
· What are the roots of the problem?
· List causes at root.(three to four)
· What are the effects?
· List effects on the branches. (three to four)
· What is your solution?
· List solutions on the leaves. (five to eight)