AAS 490 Oral Presentation
Create a PowerPoint with voiceover narration containing the information below. The instructions for what should be on each slide and what your narration should consist of are below.
Slide 1: Introduction (10 pts)
Visual Oral
• Name
• Course Title and Number
• Professor’s Name
• Research Topic: Professional Field • Do not read from slide.
• Briefly introduce yourself.
• In two or three sentences, describe your current/future participation in the professional field relating to your research.
Slide 2: Key Points from Literature Review (100 pts)
Visual Oral
• Limit to the 4 most important points that address your research question
• Use bulleted list of words or short phrases (NO SENTENCES)
• Do not read from slide
• Briefly discuss each significant point
Slide 3: Projected Conclusions (45 pts)
Visual Oral
• 2-4 possible conclusions based on your research. Include a graphic that represents your Personality Assessment Survey beginning and ending results.
• Use bulleted list of words or short phrases (NO SENTENCES) • Do not read from slide
• Briefly discuss each identified possibility
Slide 4: Summary of how this knowledge affects you as a current/future participant in this professional field (45 pts)
Visual Oral
• 3-4 item list
• Use bulleted list of words or short phrases (NO SENTENCES) • Do not read from slide
• Briefly discuss personal implications of your research