Online Resources Assignment
1. What online resources do we find most useful for teaching Social Studies and the Arts?
2. Are there resources here that improve my Learning Segment Plan?
3. Write 3 questions to ask for discussion
Texts: Review at least 3 of the following Social Studies and the Arts Text(s) and Resource websites:
o Lintner,T., Schweder, W. (2011). Practical strategies for teaching K-12 social studies in inclusive classrooms. (pp. 19-27; pp. 57-64). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Pub.
o Teaching history (2016). Retrieved from http://teachinghistory.org/Links to an external site.
o Lesson plans and resources for arts integration (2012). Retrieved from http://www.edutopia.org/stw-arts-integration-resources-lesson-plansLinks to an external site.
o Strategies for arts integration scholastic (2016). Retrieved from http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/collection/strategies-arts-integrationLinks to an external site.