Assignment: Interview a building-level school administrator and a classroom teacher. Your goal is to develop a basic profile of an effective leader using the two sets of responses. (Make sure that you include the types of professional development required/completed in your interview, as well as the role it plays.) Next, write a paper that compare and contrasts the two interviews. Include the following in your analysis: * Create a presentation to show the key results from your two interviews. * Include a summary of the interviews and specifically address the responses to each question. This summary should not a be a transcript of the interviews; paraphrase the information except when a direct quote is particularly poignant or needed to capture the individual’s meaning. * Determine educational, social, training and factors that might result in improvements in one or more aspects of school operations. * Relate the information you have discovered back to research in the field, and then present a synthesis of their findings. Length: 3-5 pages, not including title and reference page References: A minimum of 5 scholarly references, published within the last five years.