Assignment Title: Design Patterns & Architecture Design and
Assignment weighting: 100%
Module Learning Outcome/s
Covered: (Refer to module
LO1 Create a flexible object-oriented design for a
sequential system
LO2 Make effective use of a variety of design
patterns and be able to understand new
LO3 Compare the characteristics of the main types
of object-oriented and component-based
LO4 Understand a variety of architectural styles
and how they may be combined in a single
LO5 Evaluate the features of object-oriented and
component frameworks and service-based
Assignment Brief and Assessment Criteria:
See attached.
Assessment Criteria
Design Patterns
• Identification of design patterns
• Illustrating the use of patterns with UML
• Advantages and disadvantages discussions
• Use Cases and their descriptions
• Quality Attribute Scenarios
Architectural elements and UML Architectural Diagrams
• Identification of architectural elements and their interfaces
• Usage of UML architectural diagrams
• The identification and usage of appropriate architectural
• The choice of architectural views and their correctness
Individual Reflective Report (10%)
Date of issue: 03/10/2022
Deadline for submission: 12/01/2023 at 15:00
Method of submission: Electronically through My Studies (Student Central).
Date feedback will be
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If a copy is made, it will be kept only for this purpose and will be destroyed once this purpose has been
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2. All work submitted must be your own (or your team’s for an assignment which has been specified as a
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System Description: Travel Booking Agency Web Portal
The ABC travel agency is willing to develop a web portal which provides customers with
online services. Each user of the web portal can search for flights, hotels or car hiring facilities
or all together (i.e., search flight+hotel, hotel+car hiring). They can also make a search and
purchase the products. A user is given the option to login in or to not when searching for
flights, hotels of car hiring. However, the customer has to login by using his/her user name
and password when purchasing.
Each customer has to register in the web portal. Registered users have a profile which saves
his/her name, address, billing details, email, and some preferences such as preferred
countries he/she like to visit, cities he/she usually travels to, or the usual times that he/she
make trips. The preferences of a customer are known incrementally by the history of the
The customer can update his information at any time when he/she logs in.
When there is a flight, hotel, or car hiring offer that is compatible with a customer profile the
system sends an email to the customer with the details.
ABC travel agency deals with many flights, hotel and car hiring companies. These can be
removed or added when the ABC travel agency decides.
The customer can perform the bookings by using his/her credit card. The credit card system
is an external system which verifies that the credit card details are correct and debits users
The web portal interface can also be accessible through mobile phones such as an iphone
and google android mobile platforms.
Possible Quality Attributes:
• Security
• Scalability
• Modifiability
• Performance
• Availability
Work to be done
The task involves three parts.
• The first part is to identify five different design patterns that can be used for the design
of the web portal. These should be documented using the UML that clearly shows the
participants in the patterns and how they communicate to solve design problems.
• The second part is to design and document the architecture of the ABC travel agency
system. The deliverable is the Software Architecture Document.
The task includes the identification of possible architectural elements of the system and
design UML architectural diagrams. The interfaces of the components should also be
specified as well as the dependency between them.
For the requirements, specify the use cases and the quality attribute scenarios. For each
quality attribute (above) specify one quality attribute scenario.
• The third part: An individual reflection report that provides an informal argument or
rationale that the chosen architecture indeed can be implemented. Here the connection is
made with technology, that is, existing software/systems, previous implementations, and
experience, alternative solutions, etc.
Hand In
The work to be handed in as a single file (PDF or word document, between 15-25 pages
including the diagrams) that contains the three parts and should be structured as follows:
Deliverable for part 1: Design Patterns
1. The identified design patterns used for the ABC travel agency system, associated UML
diagrams (such as class and sequence or communication diagrams), advantages, and
disadvantages of using the patterns in the context of the current system.
Deliverable for part 2: Software Architecture Document
1. Identification of Architectural Elements (Components and Connectors). This to also
include details of the interfaces of components.
2. Architecture and Design Diagrams (Must Include but not limited to:)
a. Package Diagram.
b. Component Diagram
c. Deployment Diagram.
d. Sequence or communication diagrams
3. Architecture Requirements
a. Quality Attribute Scenarios
b. Use Cases and their descriptions
4. Architecture Solution by using Architectural Styles
a. Architectural Styles and Patterns Used
i. Reason for using it
b. Views of the Architecture after applying an architectural style
i. Presentation using an appropriate diagram
ii. Reason for using it
5. References/Bibliography
Deliverable for part 3: Reflection Report (up to 2 pages)
>= 70 60-69 50-59 40-49 30-39 < 30
Design Patterns (20%) A very clear rationale of
why the identified patterns
are suitable to solving the
problems together with
clearly illustrated UML
diagrams and convincing
advantages and
Most patterns used are
suitable for solving the
problems with good and
clear explanation and
illustration using UML.
Most patterns used
are suitable for
solving the
problems with
sound explanation
and mostly correct
and illustration
for the chosen
The patterns chosen are
not suitable or the
explanations and
illustrations are limited
Lack of
understanding of
why the patterns
solve the
Architectural Requirements
• Use Cases
• Quality Scenarios
A very clear and wellpresented and complete
usecase model with
appropriate usecase
scenarios. Very clear
quality attribute scenarios
covering various quality
Good and clear usecase
model with correct usecase
descriptions. Good and clear
quality attributes scenarios
with clear motivation.
Sound usecase
model that includes
most usecases and
mostly accurate
identification of
quality attribute
scenarios with
usecase model
that include
some of the
usecases with
description of
quality attribute
Limited number of
usecases with partially
correct descriptions.
Quality attribute
scenarios not relevant
to the architecture or
very limited.
understanding of
usecase models
and quality
attributes for the
UML Architectural Diagrams
• Identification of architectural
• Usage of UML architectural
• The identification and usage of
appropriate architectural styles
• The choice of architectural
views and their correctness
Excellent architectural
model that incorporates
relevant software
components and their
relations. Excellent use of
UML architectural diagrams
to represent the model with
evidence of identifying and
using architectural styles
and patterns. Very clear
identification of views
Good architectural model
that includes most relevant
software components, their
description and their
connections. Good use and
understanding of
architectural styles and
patterns within the
architecture. The notation is
mostly correct. Correct
identification of some
Sound architectural
model that includes
some of the
relevant software
components with
sound description
and representation.
Incorporation of
some architectural
some of the
with largely
Limited or
incorrect use of
styles and
Some aspects of the
architectural model are
adequate, but
descriptions are poorly
presented with
inaccuracies and
Very weak
model with
various elements
missing or
Individual Reflective Report
Excellent reflection on the
technologies that can be
used to implement the
architecture, and on
alternative solutions,
architectural styles
Good and clear reflection
and understanding of the
technologies and
architectural styles used.
Sound reflection on
the technologies
and architectural
styles used. Mostly
correct with respect
to the design.
Brief but
reflection with
some aspects
Limited and superficial
very poor
understanding of
and/or lack of