ENC 1102 Research Final Paper Outline
The seven Roman numerals below include the basic components of a written project. While each project will have all seven sections, your project may not have all of the individual items listed under each numeral.
• Title Page (See attached sample Title Page)
• Table of Contents
I. Introduction
A. History/context of the issue and background/identity of researcher that inspired choice of research question (i.e., positionality/situatedness of researcher relative to issue)
B. Researcher’s Assumptions/Pre-conceived notions
C. Problem statement – research/essential question
D. Significance of the study – rationale for seeking change; change/mpact that could result
E. Definition of terms
F. Limitations of the study
II. Literature Review
A. Overview of prior research about/related to your question
– Relevant studies, cases, projects
– Definitive conclusions (if any) from previous research
– Indefinite results from previous research
– How broad was the review you did? Local (state, U.S.), International, Legislative
B. Summary of the literature review’s impact on your question
– Does the review suggest a need for your study?
– Does the literature review relate directly to the significance of the study?
III. Methodology/Study Design
A. Procedures (methods of investigation): Describe what process produced data for analysis
B. Description of community involved/partnering in study (if applicable)
C. Instruments: Surveys, questionnaires, information gathering, interviews. Discuss in
body of paper; copies of your instruments become appendices
E. Use of data-What did you do with the data as you collected it? Statistically? Holistically?
This will depend on the types of methods you have used in your research.
IV. Analysis of Data and Information
A. Explain what your data and information mean; what is the significance of the data gleaned.
B. Provide tables, graphs, charts, examples of artifacts, interview summaries, etc. in combination with a written explanation describing patterns, generalizations, interesting findings, etc.
V. Summary, Action Plan and Assessment
A. Summarize your research, making certain to address your question
B. Make recommendations as appropriate (in curriculum construction, for example, this
would include goals and objectives, desired outcomes/expectations, and methods of
C. Future research and recommended next steps. For example:
1. Pilot program?
2. Community-based/school-site educational opportunity: class or workshop
3. Field testing in community, neighborhood, job?
D. How will you facilitate change? Describe your proposed Action Plan in detail, including
a timeline. Who would be included and impacted?
E. Method(s) of assessment: How will you and/or your group know whether and how well your
proposal is working?
VI. Annotated Bibliography
VII. Appendices
A. Paginate all appendices as a continuation of text.
B. Label as to their contents in the Table of Contents. Can include:
– Blank questionnaires
– Sample completed interview forms
– Items referred to in the text
– Lengthy data charts, etc. not included in the text
– Photographs
Prior to submitting your paper:
1. Have you addressed the major themes and learning of your program of study?
2. Have you related your question, methods, and recommendations to your specialization
as appropriate?
3. Have you followed MLA Guidelines consistently? Refer to the Manuals and Websites.
4. Make sure all of your appendices are referenced in the text and paginated.
5. You may want to read your paper aloud to each other. How does it sound?
6. Have someone who is not in your group proofread your paper.
7. Does your paper reflect you?
Research Project
Santa Fe College
ENC 1102