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Case Study

Suppose University Memorial Hospital is deciding whether or not to build and operate its own day-care center. As you write your Signature Assignment paper, please consider the following:


PAPER INCLUDES: Executive Summery, Introduction, content, answer all the question below, conclusion, APA Format.

1. Who are the possible stakeholders and what would their respective expectations be of the new center?

2. What data would/could you gather and how would you gather it to support or contradict your decision. Using a strategic planning process, describe the steps in the process that would best support this project.

3. Prepare a SWOT analysis to guide your decision to build and operate the center, or not.

4. What teams would need to be formed and what might the roles be?

5. What positions would need to be in place?6.

6. How would the manager of the Day Care Center control and motivate associates so they can reach the highest level of performance

7. What would be the determinants of success?

8. What should be done to create a successful culture? (Motivation theories, leadership behaviors, etc.)

9. What should the communication plan look like?

10. What decision making process would you utilize to check your decision to build and operate the Day Care Center or not.

· Your written assignment must be formatted in APA using a cover letter, page numbers, running head, and reference page. Sources must be cited in text per APA guidelines.

· No errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure or writing mechanics should be evident.

· A minimum of three references are required.

· Required word count is 1250-1750.

Create a 1–2minute (5-8 slides) power point presenting your Executive Summary to the CEO of University Memorial Hospital.


Rubric Name: Week Four Signature Assignment Rubric “Decisions, Decisions”
Print Rubric


Highly Developed

18.75 points


15 points


12 points

Needs Improvement

10 points

Not Present

5 points

Criterion Score

Executive Summary

The ES presents a succinct, 120 words, single- paragraph overview that clearly states the paper’s intent, with proper formatting and placement in the paper. Addresses all components of an Executive Summary

The ES presents a succinct, 120 words, single- paragraph overview that states the paper’s intent, but could be more concise and clearer with proper formatting and placement in the paper.

The ES presenting a 120-word paragraph was not present or may not be formatted or placed properly in the paper.

An ES is attempted but is not properly formatted and is not close to the needed word count.

The ES is not present or does not reflect the necessary requirements.

Score of Executive Summary,

/ 18.75


The introduction is engaging, states the main topic and previews the structure of the paper

The introduction states the main topic and previews the structure of the paper.

The introduction states the main topic but does not adequately preview the structure of the paper.

The introduction unclearly states the topic and does not adequately preview the structure of the paper.

The introduction is not present or does not reflect the necessary requirements

Score of Introduction,

/ 18.75


Each paragraph has thoughtful, supporting, detail sentences that develop the main idea.

Each paragraph has sufficient, supporting, detail sentences that develop the main idea.

Some paragraphs lack supporting detail sentences that develop the main idea.

Most paragraphs lack supporting detail sentences. The main idea is not clearly conveyed.

The content is not present or does not reflect the necessary requirements.

Score of Content,

/ 18.75

Requirements of the Paper

All questions posed in the assignment were answered in a clear and concise way that contributed to the main content of the paper and word count met. (750-1250 MIN). This includes the 1 minute video presenting the ES.

All questions posed in the assignment were answered that contributed to the main content of the paper and word count met. Some ideas are slightly unclear. (750-1250 MIN) The 1 minute video was slightly unclear.

Most questions posed in the assignment were answered that contributed to the main content of the paper and word count met. Many ideas are unclear. The ES video was unclear.

Some questions posed in the assignment were answered but were not clear and concise or word count was not met nor were the requirements for the video.

Many questions were left unanswered or do not reflect the necessary requirements, including the 1 minute video.

Score of Requirements of the Paper,

/ 18.75


The conclusion is engaging, succinctly addressed the main points, and restates the thesis.

The conclusion restates the main points and the thesis

The conclusion restates the thesis but misses some main points

The conclusion misses many main points, partially restates the thesis, or includes new ideas.

The conclusion is not present or does not reflect the necessary requirements.

Score of Conclusion,

/ 18.75


No errors in grammar, punctuation, capitalization, or spelling. Paper clearly conveys position and thoughtful reflection.

No errors in grammar, punctuation, capitalization, or spelling.

Almost no errors in grammar, punctuation, capitalization, or spelling.

Many errors in grammar, punctuation, capitalization, or spelling.

Substantial errors in grammar, punctuation, capitalization, or spelling

Score of Mechanics,

/ 18.75

APA In-text Citations and References

All In-text cited works, both text and visual, are done in a correct format with no errors. All cited references are done in a correct format with no errors.

Many In-text cited works, both text and visual, are done in a correct format. Minor inconsistencies are evident. Many cited references are done in a correct format. Minor inconsistencies are evident.

Some In-text cited works, both text and visual, are done in a correct format. Inconsistencies evident. Some cited references are done in a correct format. Inconsistencies evident.

Few In-text cited works, both text and visual, are done in a correct format. Few cited references are done in a correct format.

The APA in-text citations and references are not present or do not reflect the necessary requirements.

Score of APA In-text Citations and References,

/ 18.7

Bottom of Form


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