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create an anti-drug public service announcement targeting either drugs as a whole, a class of drugs, or a specific drug.

Each student will create an anti-drug public service announcement targeting either drugs as a whole, a class of drugs, or a specific drug.

PSA’s are to be designed for a college age audience and completed in one of the three formats: Print, Audio, or Movie.

1 – Print campaign. Although you need to include a slogan and/or logo for your campaign development, do not include a title or authorship. Follow all copyright rules regarding images. All posters need to be computer generated submitted in .jpg, .tif ,.gif, .pdf, etc. Please submit two files of the same poster, one with the dimensions of 24” x 36”, and the other 18” x 24”. It is acceptable to hand draw the poster and download into the proper format. Original photographs are also permissible.

2 – Audio campaign. Exactly 30 sec segments electronically saved as .wav or .mp3 audio formats. May use sound effects. Do not include any titling, introductory language, or closing credit information. Follow all copyright rules regarding use of music and or audio backgrounds.

3 – Movie campaign. Exactly 60 sec segments saved in the following file types: MP4, MOV, MPEG4, AVI, WMV, MPEGPS, FLV, 3GPP and WebM. Videos can also be formatted to be played via other social media websites (i.e. Instagram, Facebook). Do not include any titling, introductory language, or closing credit information. Follow all copyright rules regarding use of music and or audio backgrounds. Submissions will be graded on audience impact and appropriateness, accuracy of messaging, as well as technical fields. Rubric for each category include the following: Accuracy (max 20 points)

Information included in the PSA is current and correct. Statistics, dates, etc., are all correct.

Category (max 15 points)

PSA effectively depicts the theme selected by the student. PSA clearly makes connection between college population and the topic

Creativity/Originality (max 10 points)

PSA is original. Backgrounds can use outsourced images, and audio, however copyright rules are followed. PSA infuses music, artwork, and other unique forms of expression.

Inclusiveness (max 10 points)

PSA speaks to target populations. Incorporates multiple perspectives or highlights an array of high-risk behaviors, populations, etc. PSA makes an attempt to include diversity.

Persuasiveness (max 10 points)

The PSA captures the listener and/or viewers attention and interest through images and/or wording. Messaging is understood.

Production Quality (max 15 points)

PSA represents quality in visual and/or sound production.


Paper and presentation is of one substance abuse education program/prevention campaign being used at a state, national, or international level. This will be written in APA format and presented as a narrated power point.

Guidelines for Paper Submission: 4-6 pages in length (excluding title and reference pages), formatted according to APA style, and include at least four resources. Guidelines for Presentation Submission: Narrated PowerPoint between 12-15 minutes in length. Slides are to be made to advance on their own.

Submission Instructions

Once you have completed the assignment, attach the file and click the Submit button.


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