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Discussion Questions


Argue (for or against) staffing fire prevention bureaus with either uniformed firefighters or civilian personnel. In addition, discuss what qualifications are a must for each level within the prevention division.


Discuss the budgeting process associated with fire prevention, what do these budgets need to contain and why.


what do you feel are the top 3 social environment factors impacting relationships today. Tell why you choose each factor.


Class, road trips, space exploration, and teams, what could go wrong? Another forum to explore some concepts, please make sure to complete both parts.

Part 1:

Have you ever gone along with a bad decision and tried to figure out later why you did? Well, don’t be so hard on yourself, it is a phenomenon called Group Think or the Abilene Paradox. Our text covers it well but attached to this forum you will find two great links that discuss each. Please read them in preparation for this forum.

After reading viewing the links answer the following questions.

Group Think Article

Abilene Paradox

1. What is the difference (in your words) between groupthink and the Abilene Paradox?

2. Which do you think it is easier to fall into and why?

3. If you were leading a group and saw signs of Groupthink how would you handle it?

4. Are there any personal examples of any of these (Groupthink, Abilene Paradox, etc) decision blunders that you have been a part of and realize now?

Part 2:

A large portion of our working lives is spent working in Teams. How we communicate with our team members is crucial to the success (or failure) of the team. In this week’s lesson, we looked at the Ego states (parent, adult, and child). We all know that effective teams operate in the Adult-Adult realm of conversation and feedback, however, sometimes a rift can occur and cause us to operate from a higher or lower level with each other. Then there are other ways to look at team dynamics.

In the video below Charles Duhigg discusses how Google builds the most effective teams.

How Google Builds the Perfect Team

Think back to some teams that you have been on that were especially dysfunctional or effective. Did they follow the team dynamics favored by Google or were they more directive in nature? What made them work (or not work)?


Part 1 draws on information from authors Narissa, Puntanunt-Carter and Thweatt, Interpersonal Communication: A Mindful Approach to Relationships.

Part I

Based on the reading this week in the lessons take a look at the following questions. Social media platforms provide individuals with increased opportunities to engage in online discussions.

How does social mediated communication benefit interpersonal communication?

How does it harm interpersonal communication?

How does your relationship with the person you are communicating with (or the lack of such a relationship) impact your social mediated communication style? How does the anonymity of social mediated communication impact communication styles?

How has social mediated communication impacted society as a whole? More specifically, how has social media impacted society?

How do past social mediated interactions influence your future decisions concerning mediated communication?

What factors do you consider when posting something on social media?

What aspects of netiquette do you practice the most when communicating online?


do you believe that there is any positive value to aggression (this can include both reactive and instrumental aggression, as well as relationship-based aggression, such as online bullying)? If you were “king/queen of the world,” would you eliminate all forms of aggression? Why or why not? Can any valuable life lessons be learned through being the victim of aggression, or is all aggression inherently harmful to both aggressor and victim?


Theory: Exchange Theory

 Give a brief overview of your theory

 end with a question to the class that they can answer


Think about your relationship with your family of origin, your partner/spouse or your present family and provide an assessment of family communication by examining each of the 6 dimensions of family communication. What are the areas where you excel in communication and what are areas that are in need of improvement? What steps could you take towards making improvements?


Part I

After a defendant is found guilty, there is the sentencing and appeal phase of the process. Most attorneys will file an appeal on behalf of the defendant if there is an appealable issue. Sometimes the judge grants a lot of discussion in determining a defendant’s sentence. Other times, the judge’s hands are tied based on the mandatory minimum sentencing laws. This discussion asks you to examine the sentencing and appeal phase of the criminal process.

Please discuss each of the following:

1. Are judges given too much discretion when it comes to sentencing? What are some of the factors a judge looks at when determining an appropriate sentence?

2. What is the difference between a determinate and indeterminate sentence? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each. Do you think mandatory minimum sentences serve any real purpose?

Part II

Based on the facts provided to you in Week 1 discussion, the investigation report, the confession by Mayo and the witness statements made by Dietz and Joe answer the following:

Assuming Mayo is found guilty at trial, what would you recommend as an appropriate sentence for Mayo? Please answer this question from both positions of being the prosecutor and the defense attorney representing Mayo. Discuss why and make sure to support your thoughts with legal analysis.


There are some acts that are considered to be criminal in nature based on the likelihood of creating a disturbance to the peace or creating a public nuisance. Other acts are believed to infringe on public morality. Some examples of such acts include, but are not limited to, solicitation, obscenity and prostitution.

1) Do you agree that prostitution should be illegal? Why or why not? What are the arguments for and against the legalization of prostitution?

2) Prostitution is legal in many other countries. Research the relevant law in one of these countries and include it in your response to support your position.

3) How did conducting research and going through each step of legal analysis help you to reach this conclusion? Analyze how you applied critical thinking and legal analytical skills to assist you in this regard. What new research and/or analytical tool or method did you try for the first time this week? What do you think you do well and what would you like to strengthen so that you continue to improve?

4) Collaborate with each other as the week goes on to make all aspects of this Discussion as robust as possible.


1. Does the monopoly power wielded by professional sports leagues hurt the fans, players, citizens, local economies, or the sport?

2. What solutions could be used?


This discussion is a two-parter. Complete the Your Leadership Legacy assessment

Discuss your assessment results for the leadership styles: Ambassador, Advocate, People Mover, Truth-Seeker, Creative Builder, and Experienced Guide.

· What scores surprised you the most? Why were you surprised?

· Which style(s) are most helpful to you now and how will this information be helpful for your business venture?

· Incorporate information from the readings such as leadership power to support your discussion.

This discussion is a two-parter. Complete the Your Leadership Legacy assessment

Discuss your assessment results for the leadership styles: Ambassador, Advocate, People Mover, Truth-Seeker, Creative Builder, and Experienced Guide.

· What scores surprised you the most? Why were you surprised?

· Which style(s) are most helpful to you now and how will this information be helpful for your business venture?

· Incorporate information from the readings such as leadership power to support your discussion.


Class-Nutrition for sports performance

Title: Summing It Up – Does nutrition improve athletic performance?

Reflect on what you have learned in this class. Did you learn what you thought you were going to learn? Does nutrition improve athletic performance?

Discuss 2-3 goals for how you will incorporate what you have learned into your daily lives (this can include sharing with others).


Throughout this class, you have worked on a complete marketing plan from start to finish tackling each step of the process. This week we will reflect on the process.


Research marketing plans and controls for success. Review information on your final paper topic and the industry it is in.


· What were the challenges and triumphs you encountered while writing your marketing plan?

· What would the most significant challenges be to put this plan in place?

· What controls did you put into place to ensure the success of your marketing plan?


Business: Klassik Styles Hair Salon

Analyzing your own proposed business, what areas of Intellectual Property will apply to your business? Think about how Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks, and Trade Secrets might relate to your business. Research on the US Patent and Trademark Office website and US Copyright Office website to determine if another company has already registered the intellectual property you want to use.

· If a registration already exists, what will be your next step?

· If it does not exist, check your State’s website to see if it it’s registered at the state level only. If it is, what will be your next step?

· If you find no registration for your intellectual property, what will you do to protect it?


Business: Klassik Styles Hair Salon

Determine the legal issues you face now or will in the future with employees at your venture, even if it’s just yourself. What employment and labor laws affect your business? Explain. How will you protect yourself from employee liability?


Watch the video and read the discussions on UFOs. Go to our University Library and read

Allen Hynek – UFOs: Its Time for a Scientific Approach

EU Condon – UFOs I Have Loved and Lost

Compare and contrast the arguments of Condon and Hynek, regarding the existence of UFOs. Evaluate the conclusion that each person draws and the evidence that each uses to support his conclusion. Which person do you think makes the best argument? Why?


Research ONE example of a conic section in real life that has not already been used by a classmate.

Make your choice (Bouncing ball) the subject of your post, and then tell us in your own words about your find. Do not just make this up off the top of your head. The St Louis Arch, for example, is NOT a parabola—it is an inverted catenary.

To get credit for this Discussion, you must cite a source confirming that your example is, indeed, a conic and not some other more exotic curve.

Using a personal example (My eyebrow) will not count unless you can cite a source verifying that eyebrows are parabolic.


How successful was Reconstruction? What measures were created to assist the Freedmen? Give examples of how the ex-slave society tried to stop the advancement of African Americans after the Civil War. How successful was Reconstruction? What measures were created to assist the Freedmen? Give examples of how the ex-slave society tried to stop the advancement of African Americans after the Civil War.


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