Chapter 8: Healthcare Analytics is part of the required reading this week. Data is what drives most business decisions and not in just healthcare. So, it is important for one to know how to present data and digest data.
This assignment is a step away from the normal text-based work, and it allows students to show their creativity through a chart or graph. Here are the instructions:
1. Read chapter 8 in the course textbook.
2. Review these details about creating:
a. A scatter or line chart in MS Excel: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/present-your-data-in-a-scatter-chart-or-a-line-chart-4570a80f-599a-4d6b-a155-104a9018b86e
b. A column chart in MS Excel: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/present-your-data-in-a-column-chart-d89050ba-e6b6-47de-b090-e9ab353c4c00
c. A pie chart in MS Excel: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/add-a-pie-chart-1a5f08ae-ba40-46f2-9ed0-ff84873b7863
3. Of the three types listed above, students can select any one of those for this assignment.
4. Type a “made-up” scenario that would call for the selected type of chart to be used. The Scenario must revolve around one of these topics: medical coding, ER wait times, food deserts, predictive health analytics, or medical malpractice. <<<< Of those, students can choose whichever topic they feel most comfortable discussing. Students who have charts that do not surround these topics will automatically not be able to receive a score higher than a 87% (B+).
5. Populate a chart with hypothetical data for the scenario.
So, the submitted work should have two portions:
• The situation being described for which the chart or graph is being used; this portion should be 75-100 words. *Remember to only use one of the required topics.
• The actual chart or graph with hypothetical data coinciding with the made-up situation. Also, be sure to upload the actual Excel file/raw data file; this is so we can confirm the student actually created the graph/chart and did not just download a photo from a web page.
*All students should have access to MS Excel, but on the rare occasion they do not, students can research how to execute these graphs/charts utilizing the free Google Office Suite, but this should be an absolute resort.
Here is an abbreviated example of what could be submitted:
• Leadership wants to see the proportion of the lunch money each department is using from the available pool.
Pie Chart: