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Healthcare Data Analytics

Topic: A Systematic Review of Healthcare Data Analytics: The Impact of Data- Driven Decisions in Healthcare

Activity 1: Module 1 Discussion Board

Post the final version of your Prospectus and discuss your questions, concerns, and needs as you start this first chapter.

Activity 3: Module 3 Discussion Board

By now, you should have completed the Background of the Problem and had at least one meeting with your mentor.

How have you applied the feedback from your mentor? What questions do you have as you work on the next sections? What are some challenges you are facing?

Activity 5: Module 5 Discussion Board

By now, you should have completed your Problem Statement and had at least one more meeting with your mentor.

How have you applied the feedback from your mentor? What questions do you have as you work on the next sections? What are some challenges you are facing?

Post your response to the prompt and schedule an appointment with your chair.

Activity 7: Module 7 Discussion Board

· By now, you should have completed your Purpose Statement and Research Questions and had at least one more meeting with your mentor.

· How have you applied the feedback from your mentor? What questions do you have as you work on the next sections? What are some challenges you are facing?

· Post your response to the prompt and schedule an appointment with your chair.

Activity 9: Module 9 Discussion Board

By now, you should have completed your Theoretical Framework and had at least one more meeting with your mentor.

How have you applied the feedback from your mentor? What questions do you have as you work on the next sections? What are some challenges you are facing?

Post your response to the prompt and schedule an appointment with your chair.

Activity 10: Module 10 Individual Project

The theoretical framework provides the business-related theories that ground your study.

For the theoretical framework check:

1. The theory is clearly presented

· Research conducted utilizing this theory is described.

· The theory is aligned with the presented study.

2. Check APA 7

3. Check that your sources are current

For the Significance of the study, check:

· The beneficiaries of the study are clearly described.

· There is a clear indication of how this study will contribute to literature within the Business field study

Present your Theoretical Framework in approximately 3 paragraphs.

1. Provide a brief introduction to the section.

2. Write one paragraph that clearly describes the business theory or theories that provide the foundation of your study.

3. Write one paragraph that presents studies that support the use of this theory with the study being developed.

4. Write one paragraph on how the theory or theories will be applied to the current study.

Present the Significance of your study

1. Write one paragraph on who will benefit from your study and how.

2. Write one paragraphs on how your study will contribute to the existing theoretical literature and/or qualitative and quantitative findings within the Business field of study.

Activity 11: Module 11 Discussion Board

By now, you should have completed the Assumptions, Limitations and Delimitations section and had at least one more meeting with your mentor.

How have you applied the feedback from your mentor? What questions do you have as you work on the next sections? What are some challenges you are facing?

Post your response to the prompt and schedule an appointment with your chair.

Activity 12: Module 12 Individual Project

You are now ready to discuss and identify possible weaknesses in your study (called Limitations) as well as the parameters you have set for your study (called Delimitations) as these two areas add to the credibility of your study.

For the Limitations and Delimitations, check:

1. The presented limitations are directly linked to the research method

· The delimitations are directly linked to the study design

2. Check APA 7

3. Check that your sources are current

For the Definitions and Key terms, check

· All appropriate terms are listed.

· Terms are correctly formatted.

For the Conclusion and Summary, check:

· Each remaining chapter is presented.

· The discussion of each chapter reflects information specific to the study.

For the Introduction, check:

· The focus of the research is clearly stated.

· Method of conducting the study is clearly stated.

· The aims of the study are clearly stated.

Present your Limitations and Delimitations

Present your Definitions and Key Terms

Write your Introduction and Conclusion and Summary

Activity 13: Module 13 Discussion Board

By now, you should have a completed Chapter 1 for review by your mentor with all the previous feedback applied. A big part of your dissertation process, outside of research, entails submitting your project for feedback and making the necessary updates. Obtaining feedback from your chair and committee is critical to your success. Thus, you will want to validate all feedback has been applied and continually check your APA 7 formatting and grammar.

· How have you applied the feedback from your mentor and committee?

· What questions do you have as prepare for the committee review?

· What are some challenges you are facing?

Post your response to the prompt and schedule an appointment with your chair.

Activity 14: Module 15 Discussion Board

Hopefully by now, you have been able to get at least one committee review and have met with your mentor to discuss the feedback. If you have not made it that far, this is a good time to discuss with your mentor the challenges you are having and any next steps.

How have you applied the feedback from your mentor/committee? What are some challenges you are facing, if any? What questions do you have about next steps?

Post your response to the prompt and schedule an appointment with your chair.

Activity 15: Module 16 individual Project

As mentioned, a big part of your dissertation process, outside of research, entails submitting your project for feedback and making the necessary updates. Obtaining feedback from your chair and committee is critical to your success. Thus, you will want to validate all feedback has been applied and continually check your APA 7 formatting and grammar.

Review feedback from your committee and incorporate the changes.

Submit a completed Chapter 1, Final version, with a change matrix showing the feedback applied from the committee and your chair.


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