Singular Intervention at your practice site
Project capstone is about:” Hypertension in the homeless population ”
Please respond to the questions (related to the attached post
Thank you for your informative post and feedback, including, Afterwards, evidence-based treatments based on the research results would be applied. These interventions may include novel approaches such as mobile clinics, outreach programs, or collaborations with shelters to increase hypertension awareness, screening, and management.
Please answer this Questions: Talk more specifically about your intervention (singular) comparison and outcomes data and how you will use the information to inform change. It is not clear what your singular intervention is at your practice site (not community broad-based).
Note: the questions above are related to the post that is attached.
APA format with intext citation
Word count minimum of 150 words per post, not including references
Reference one high-level scholarly reference per post within the last 5 years in APA format.
Plagiarism free.
Turnitin receipt.