Write a detailed, 2-page description of an appropriate literature search strategy and execute that strategy by locating a minimum of 20 scholarly publications. Then, analyze each source and identify main themes. Also, complete steps 2 and 3
Step 1: Develop and Execute an Appropriate Search Strategy.
Write a detailed, 2-page description of an appropriate literature search strategy. Then, use that strategy to locate a minimum of 20 scholarly sources, published within the last five years (unless seminal, practice guideline, or consensus statement), addressing your PICOT question. You may need to find additional sources if you do not have at least two sources that address the same main theme (see Step 3).
Step 2: Document and Analyze the Evidence.
Analyzing the evidence you have gathered in a literature search is necessary to develop a coherent synthesis of your findings. Use the Evidence Table [XLSX] Download Evidence Table [XLSX] template to help you document and analyze the source materials you have located for this assessment.
Step 3: Identify Main Themes in the Literature.
Organizing your evidence by main themes or ideas addressed in each source will help you identify commonalities and differences in research questions, methodologies, and findings, and gaps in the research. Sort your evidence using the Main Themes Table [XLSX] Download Main Themes Table [XLSX] and locate additional sources if you do not have at least two sources that address the same main theme.