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Project Management

In this assignment you will perform a Net Present Value Analysis for a project.

1. Assume a student is planning to pursue a two-year master’s degree. There are two

educational options the student is considering, with investment and cash flows as follows.

Option A: Full-Time Education

Example cash investment: $100,000. Currently the student is earning $30,000. The

student will quit his/her current job to study a Master’s degree in computer science.

Upon graduation the student hopes to earn $60,000 per year in new job.

Option B: Part-Time Education

Example cash investment: $100,000. Currently the student is earning $30,000. The

student can work part-time for three years at a salary of $20,000 while studying towards

the master’s degree in project management. Upon graduation the student anticipates a

possible increase in salary by $10,000 (total $40,000) in the same company.

The requirements for the assignment are:

• Answer the following questions based on the unit readings:

1. Briefly describe what net present value is, how it is calculated, and what it is

used for.

2. Calculate the NPV for each educational option. The discount rate is 8%.

3. Which option should the student choose? Explain your decision including

any necessary assumptions made.

• The paper must be APA-formatted as a Word document.

• SafAssign will be used to check this assignment for plagiarism. Remember to

paraphrase in your own words and do not copy directly.

• The length must be 1-2 pages, excluding the title and reference pages.

• Include at least one reference.

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Refer below for the grading rubric.

Students: Be sure to read the criteria, by which your paper/project will be evaluated, before you write, and again after you write.

Grading Rubric

CRITERIA Deficient Proficient Exemplary

0-15 points 16-17 points 18-20 points

Net Present Analysis Does not provide Description is Description is

adequate details or is detailed but may be complete including

missing. missing some key details of calculation

element or detail of and use.

calculation or use.

0-15 points 16-17 points 18-20 points

NPV Calculations Multiple errors in the Minor error exists in NPV for both options

calculations or the calculations. is calculated

missing calculations. correctly.

0-15 points 16-17 points 18-20 points

Choice Explanation Explanation is Explanation is logical Explanation of chosen

inadequate or but may be confusing option logically

missing. or incomplete in one supports the decision.


0-15 points 16-17 points 18-20 points

Clear and professional Errors impede Few errors that do Writing and format is

writing and APA professional not impede clear, professional,

format presentation; professional APA compliant, and

guidelines not presentation error free


0 – 7 points 8 points 9-10 points

Resources No resource or One Appropriate More than One

inappropriate Resource Appropriate

resource Resource

0 – 7 points 8 points 9-10 points

Paper Length Less than 1 page of Less than 2 pages of 2 or more pages of

appropriate content. appropriate content. appropriate content.


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