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Research Ethics

Business 705 Qualitative Research Reflection – Research Ethics
Word/time limit: 1000 (+/- 10%)
Weighting: 20%
Due dates: The Individual Reflection on Research Ethics will be completed in two parts.
Part A is due on at 5pm NZT on Wednesday, October 11th (in Week 11) – the word limit of 1000 words applies to this part A.
Part B will be completed in a computer lab during class time on Friday, October 13th (in Week 11). Although this part B is expected to range between 1 and 2 typed pages, there is no word limit on this part B. Specifically, this will be completed in Computer Lab 11 (260-028) with one hour writing time between 2,15pm and 3.15pm You will be able to bring your own laptop if you prefer, You can also refer to electronic or paper copies of your part A reflection, your notes and any reference material that you wish. You will also be able to use the internet during this hour. However, you will not be allowed to use ChatGPT or any other AI assistance.
After you have read this information, you may use the Reflection Q&A discussion board to ask any questions and see what your peers are saying about this assignment.
Individual Ethics Reflection Part A
In your individual assignment you will write a reflection exploring your own thinking about the ethical issues related to qualitative research and how that thinking might shape and influence your own research project (this could be a previous proposed research project e.g. for BUS 710, your qualitative research project proposal for BUS 705, or your own proposed dissertation/thesis research).
This individual reflection exercise asks you to do the following steps:
• Step 1: Re-read this essential reading from Module 2: Chapter 3 Ethics (from Qualitative Research for Business and Management by Michael Myers, 2019)
• Step 2: Complete the anonymity and confidentiality online Ethics training module at – Even if you have completed this before, please visit the site to ensure that you have already covered the newest material there since it is continually updated. I strongly recommend that you complete ALL five modules available, prior to planning and starting your own dissertation/thesis project. However, for THIS reflection, you only have to complete any two modules of your choice. I particularly recommend the Anonymity and Confidentiality module.
• Step 3: Write a reflection on what you have learned about the ethical issues that you need to consider, while planning, and actually carrying out your proposed research. Start with one paragraph describing this proposed research (e.g. the general research question, the population that data will come from, the qualitative methods that will be used for either your previous or present class qualitative research proposal project, or your own proposed dissertation/thesis research. You can base your reflection structure on the following questions if you find them helpful (you do not have to answer these all nor do you have to answer them in order; they are just a guide):
o How did your engagement with the ethic(s) modules confirm your understanding of ethical research issues and/or surprise you in terms of how you might plan and implement your research design ethically?
o What implications might there be on how you plan and implement your research as a result of these ethical principles?
o If you are proposing that you will collect data face-to-face, reflect on how the ethical considerations might change if you had to move your data collection online. If you are proposing that you will collect data online, reflect on how the ethical considerations might change if you had to move to collecting your data face-to-face.
o What questions do you still have, regarding the ethical aspects of designing and implementing your research?
The priority in your reflection is in exploring your own thinking about ethical issues and how that might shape and influence the planning and implementation of your proposed research project.
In order to succeed in this assignment you also need to watch and listen to the powerpoint presentations and/or zoom recordings from Module 2, and join any ‘live’ classes or view any recorded material scheduled for Week 8. This is important material, so your best chance at success is to engage with all available content in a meaningful way. The assignments with the highest marks will engage with, and reference relevant reference material on conducting qualitative research ethically.
How to format and submit Part A of your Reflection
You need to submit Part A of your ethics reflection as a Word or pdf document to the submission point on this page. Your Word document should be double-spaced, with standard 2.5cm margins on all sides, and a standard 12-point font. (For Apple users, please note that Canvas cannot display documents with pages extensions). Your word limit for Part A of your Reflection is 1000 words (plus or minus 10%). This word limit does not include your reference list, which must follow APA style.
This assignment will be submitted through Canvas. When you are ready to submit your assignment, select the ‘Start Assignment’ button on this page. You will be taken to the ‘File Upload’ tab where you can choose your file. If your assignment has multiple files, select ‘Add Another File’ for each subsequent file before ticking the ‘Agree’ check box, then select ‘Submit Assignment’.
Please note: When you submit your assignment through Canvas, you are also submitting the assignment through Turnitin. Turnitin is a text-matching service that compares your work with an international database of information sources. You will need to agree to using it.
Marking criteria
Your work will be assessed against the following criteria, using the more specific rubric at the bottom of this page.
1. Disciplinary knowledge: Full grasp of course content. Ability to define, discuss, question and apply core concepts. Ability to reflect on material and draw implications out for own research activity.
2. Critical thinking: Effectively structured written work demonstrating the ability to construct an argument, debate propositions, critique material and apply critically to own research. Uses material powerfully from readings and resources as evidence and rationale for perspective.

Ethics Reflection Part A Rubric
Ethics Reflection Part A Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeDisciplinary knowledge
Displays a full grasp of course content related to ethically designing qualitive research. Ability to define, discuss, question and apply core concepts relevant to ethical research to student’s own proposed research. 5 pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeCritical thinking
Demonstrates the ability to critically reflect on relevant reference materials to construct relevant arguments, debate ideas, critique material and apply ideas critically to own research. 5 pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeEffective communication
Presents neatly and logically structured written work with minimal typographical and spelling errors. Uses material powerfully from readings and resources as evidence and rationale for perspectives provided. References published materials appropriately with minimal mis-appropriation of other’s work. 5 pts

Total points: 15


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