Write a one to two page sermon review on the MLK message below.
Martin Luther King Jr., “Why Jesus Called a Man a Fool” August 27, 1967 – YouTube
After watching the video write a reflection paper discussing the following:
1. Why did Jesus call the man a fool?
2. Do you have foolish ways?
3. Who would Jesus call a fool today?
4. How did King use the Luke scripture to speak life to his and his members’ current situations?
5. What have you taken from this sermon
Remember that this is an ESSAY, you are not to number the paper to answer these questions, you are to write a paper that answers these questions into detail. Again,you will get a 0 if you number your paper as if it’s a Q & A. Plagiarism will not be tolerated!
Your paper should be:
· one to two pages typed, double spaced
· 12 point font Times New Roman
· one inch margins
· written in paragraph form.