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Social Psychology

(submit online via the “Assignments” function in Canvas). Please turn in your paper in the .doc or .docx file formats used by the Microsoft “Word” program. If necessary, a PDF is also acceptable. Please make sure you have attached the correct file before submitting your paper!

Task: Write a 3 to 4-page paper that addresses the following:

Please discuss one contemporary news article and relate it to some of the concepts/ ideas from the lectures or the readings. Do not pick the same concepts/ideas you used on the first discussion paper!

The article you pick will provide the information or evidence you will need to write the assignment. The news item should be from a creditable source and have been written in the last three (3) years. It can be from a U.S. or an international source, printed or online. Include an underlined thesis statement in your introduction.

Please explain the course concept you are discussing and apply it to your article. If the news item seems to contradict a concept(s) from class, you may also discuss that in your paper. Be sure to also briefly describe the news item you have chosen. For example, who are the people involved? When and where are the events taking place?

Finally, at some point in the paper you will need to reflect on how this class has changed or expanded your view of the situation or event discussed in the article. Utilizing concepts from readings, lectures, and videos, ask yourself if you view the topic differently now and why.

Be sure to apply 3 or 4 concepts or ideas from our class lectures or readings to your paper. Depending on your setting and its focus, some course materials will be more relevant to your discussion than others. Papers will be assessed on how effectively you apply the sociological ideas from class to the news item you have picked.

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to help you practice working with sociological concepts. You are also expected to apply these ideas to a contemporary news article. Finally, you are expected to produce a paper that is clear, focused, and well organized.

General Requirements:

Late papers will be penalized half a letter grade for each day they are late.

Your paper needs to be:

• Typed with a standard 12-point font
• Double-spaced
• Have regular 1-inch margins on all sides
• Have page numbers

Please proofread your paper, spelling and grammatical errors could hurt your grade. It should also include an introduction, body, and conclusion.

Your paper should have a title that alludes to the subject matter being dealt with in the paper. Any ideas drawn from the lectures, or the readings must be cited in the text of your paper. Use ASA style to cite your news article(s).

Make sure you adhere to university guidelines regarding plagiarism. Cases of plagiarism will be taken directly to the Office of Student Judicial Affairs. If you are unsure what plagiarism is and how to avoid it, please come see me or visit the library’s website: http:// HYPERLINK “”

The paper should be an original work. Do not reuse, even partially, papers you or someone else has submitted in other classes.


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