Task 1: Group assignment (1/2)
Subject of the task: Group project assignment – International Sports Public Relations (40%).
Contextual information: PR can be defined in a limited way as an organizational function designed to improve the effectiveness of a (sports) organization’s relationship and reputation where effectiveness is defined as furthering organizational and client interests. The issues-led nature of PR is highlighted as being particularly important in sports business. PR practice may also include advocacy and persuasion, for example, to convince the IOC to choose one city over another as the host for the next Olympics; or to include synchronized skating, sport climbing, wushu, Rolle sports or squash as an Olympic sport in 2020. PR is therefore interest-led in practice, which is why it is important for citizens to be able to “read” PR activity behind the scenes and understand how PR produces discourses that circulate in contemporary society. PR represents interests and is responsible for rhetorical utterances in public communication that seek to influence and achieve a particular effect. PR is purposeful strategic intention (Etang, 2013).
Task description: This is a group project in which the students must develop an actual International Sports Public Relations project. Groups must submit a written Report via Moodle.
Case: Red Bull GmbH is a Sports Powerhouse. With properties varying from Football to eSports or F1, it was established in the past decades as a top-tier Sports Holding Group. Liberty Media, City Football Group and United World are other relevant examples of companies diversifying its properties by investing in Sports Related, Entertainment and Lifestyle ventures.
Expected table of contents:
Project: Choose a Sports Holding Group or one of the owned Properties and elaborate a Public Relations Strategic Management Project, that covers the following topics:
Organization Structure, Location and Objectives (Primary and Secondary Goals)
Mission, Vision, Values
Most valuable properties & Products
PR & Media Problems and Opportunities
Wordcount: 1.000- 1.250 words.
Cover, Table of Contents, References and Appendix are excluded from the total wordcount.
Font: Arial or Calibri 12 pts.
Text alignment: Justified.
The in-text References and the Bibliography must be in Harvard’s citation style.
Submission: Week 6 – Via Moodle (Turnitin). Sunday 12 November at 23.59PM.
Weight: This task is 40% of your total grade for this subject.
Assessment learning outcomes: The learning assignment assesses the following learning outcomes:
Analyze the role of PR and Media within the sports industry
Identify the different stages of the PR management process in the sports industry.
Evaluate different approaches to sports PR: planning, programming, and communication.