Assignment Scenario: Role Playing as a Healthcare Administrator for Your Desired Healthcare Setting
Step 1: Identify your desired healthcare setting and healthcare administrator role for the scenario. The topic scenario. It is important to note that your selected healthcare facility is part of a large healthcare system and you are one of the many administrators that the system has but you will be playing the role of the executive leader for your specific healthcare setting within your organization’s large healthcare system.
Step 2: Based on your selected healthcare setting and role from Step 1, you will be presenting information at the next executive leadership meeting. Each administrator for your organization will be presenting information to the healthcare system’s executive leadership team, and you are required to complete the strategic planning report as part of your presentation. You will use the Strategic Planning Report Template , provided below, to prepare for this upcoming meeting. Each topic will need to be sufficiently addressed with supporting evidence that will assist the executive leadership team in preparing for next year’s budget and related to updating the strategic plan for your facility.
Complete the Strategic Planning Report using the Word document template provided within this assignment prompt. You will complete this report for the meeting, ensuring that each question provides the executive leadership team with the appropriate amount of details with supporting external evidence, so your facility’s budget and strategic plan are ready for the upcoming fiscal year