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The Indiana Health Information Exchange

Case Study 1: The Indiana Health Information Exchange (p267)

Please carefully review the case and answer each discussion question (p277-278). You can put your answer after each discussion question.

1. Interoperability can only be achieved when provider organizations do the work necessary to participate. Do provider organizations have the necessary incentives to do that work?

2. Private health information exchanges seem to be growing at a faster pace than public health information exchanges. Public exchanges should arguably offer more value to patients and lower costs to provider organizations. Why the discrepancy?

3. The INPC, originated as a research project, was initially funded by grants and one of the ongoing value propositions is research use of the data. Is research necessarily critical to success of a health information exchange?

4. Establishing and operating a health information exchange requires a variety of investments including computing and network infrastructure, software systems of various types, legal and operational costs. Would you agree that data capture and normalization is the largest investment required?

5. Computing infrastructure, networking technology, software and clinical information standards will continue to evolve rapidly and investments in the technology will depreciate relatively rapidly. What are the core assets of an HIE if not these things?

This is a group assignment. There are no more than 5 members in a group. Each case study should be at least 500 words.


· The case study should be 500-600 words.

· A part of the points will be taken off for each criterion that was not met.

· References (Cited properly, using APA citation style:

· Late submission will be subjected to a point reduction each day after the deadline until it runs down to zero.


Case Study Rubric-1

Case Study Rubric-1




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of criterion

50 pts

Full Marks

Answer all required questions and provide clear and correct explanations. Writing shows a clear logical link between concepts. Synthesize information from multiple sources (lectures, readings, activities) and derive a conclusion in your own words. The terminology used is clearly defined. Notes: 1. Answer is no less than 500 words 2. References Cited properly, using APA citation style.

30 pts

Partial Marks

Response provides most of the content required by the prompt, but requires further improvement in clarity of argument and relevancy.

0 pts

No Marks

No posting, or response but with minimum effort.

50 pts

Total Points: 50


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