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Advocacy Activity Grading Criteria
The advocacy activity is 20% of your total grade or 20 points. The advocacy activity consists of
attending an advocacy activity and writing a summary or develop a policy framework based
on a selected article.
Advocacy Activity Summary Assignment
Students must write a 1-2 page summary (excluding title page and references page) of the
advocacy experience. Discuss the goals of the advocacy activity, policy issues discussed,
further actions if applicable, future plans for advocacy.
The write up should follow the following format:
1) Introduce the policy/advocacy topic for this activity and provide a description of
the importance of the issue to health care, nursing, and public policy.
2) Describe the issues discussed at the activity and controversies, debates,
presentations, etc. that occurred at the activity.
3) Discuss your experiences of this activity including what you knew about this
issue/topic prior to the activity, what you learned from participating in this
activity and what you can do to affect policy related to this issue.
Examples of an Advocacy Activity
1) United Nations Meetings
a. Upcoming meetings and topics will be posted for students to attend
(Students are encouraged to go one of these
2) Local nursing association educational forums or workshop
a. Examples of nursing forums or workshops
i. NYSNA (
1. Lobby Day
ii. Nurse Practitioners of New York (
1. Lobby Day
iii. ANA (
3) Physicians for a National Health Program monthly forum
a. Check Website for upcoming forums (
i. Held in NYC on Tuesday evenings
4) Other — discuss with your instructor
Grading Components:
1) Content: (15 points)
a. Name of the event and date
b. Summary of advocacy event
c. Major concepts learned
i. New ideas
ii. Application to your clinical practice
iii. Implications for health policy
iv. Advocacy ideas presented
d. Advocacy ideas that occurred to you after the advocacy event
2) Scholarly writing (5 points)
Advocacy Activity Using the Article
Read the article entitled, Nurse Advocacy: Adopting a Health in All Policies Approach by
Williams et al.
Article Link
Choose a topic discussed in the article that you believe is important for nurses to address
using an advocacy framework. Design an informational strategy to introduce this issue to a
specific stakeholder such as your legislator, parents, educational institutions, or other
identified stakeholders. Make sure you address the policy effect of the topic and the best
strategy to advocate for the topic. Think Creatively and Be Creative.
1) Educating the public about the safety and efficacy of vaccines
a. Design a social media campaign or educational pamphlet with information for
the stakeholder community.
2) Lobbying for a specific legislative bill – must list the specific bill
a. Write a letter to your local government representative
b. Design a presentation for the legislator
c. Design a policy brief
3) Other ideas for topics
a. Write a speech for a select audience
Submit a PowerPoint presentation of the topic and the venue that will deliver your message.
Maximum slides 10 excluding the title page and references slides.
1) Choose a topic discussed in the article (5 points)
a. Explain how it is important to nurses
2) Design an informational strategy to introduce this issue for a specific stakeholder (10
a. Content of strategy
3) Scholarly Writing (5 points)
Minimum three references. Must adhere to APA (7th edition) citation format. All references
must be peer-reviewed articles.
Clarity, References, and APA Criteria
Mechanics: Correct sentence structure, grammar, and appropriate capitalization. Correct
punctuation and style, no spelling errors, no run-on sentences, no sentence fragments, no
incomplete thoughts, and dangling participles. NO QUOTES ALLOWED – PARAPHRASE
Language: No medical jargon, no colloquialisms (slang and informal ways of speaking) unless
using this language for a reason (repeating a conversation or giving an example).
Logic: The arguments put forth are understandable and are connected to the concepts and
topics discussed. The issues raised by the paper are important and relevant to the course
material and topic.
Clarity Summary
1. Paper was organized in a logical manner
2. Ideas were clearly presented
3. Correct usage of grammar and style
4. Medical jargon not used or explained
5. Complete sentences used
6. Correct spelling
APA Format:
1) References cited correctly (if used)
a. In-text
b. References list
i. Must be on a separate page
ii. References (the word) centered
2) Correct APA citing (in-text and references list)
a. Hanging indent used (references list)
b. Double spacing
c. Volume #
d. Issue # if available
e. Correct doi format:
i. (new format) – PREFERRED
3) Journal URL if doi unknown
4) URL address must not have an underline
5) Title page
6) Correct margins (1 inch)
7) Header
a. Running head on first page (TITLE OF PAPER)
b. Header on subsequent pages does not contain Running head (TITLE ONLY)
8) Page numbers (in header; top right)
9) Correct APA number format
10) Correct APA capitalization format
11) Headings
12) Left justification
13) Double spacing
14) Document named correctly: Last Name Assignment Name
Grade Explanation
Level of Expected
Earned Points for
Letter Grade
Proficient 20 A
Emerging 18 ADeveloping 16 B+
Novice 13 B


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