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Health Promotion Program Proposal


Over the duration of this course you will write a scholarly paper, “Health Promotion Program Proposal,” addressing existing knowledge related to health promotion based on one practice problem (condition) that you will select from the list below.

1. Heart disease

2. Cancer


4. Obesity

5. High blood pressure

6. Type II Diabetes

7. Depression

8. Community acquired pneumonia

Select one. In the proposal, you will also develop a health promotion program to meet a health need of a vulnerable population in your potential concentration area or community.

The proposal must demonstrate graduate school level writing and critical analysis. The final version of your proposal is due in week 7

For this assignment you will submit Part One of your proposal in week 4, detailing a health problem that is prevalent within your community and demonstrating your research of health promotion strategies for addressing this specific health problem.


The first page should be your introductory page.

Second page will be your selected condition and the PICOT question. Below there are examples to guide you in developing your question:

For an intervention/therapy:

In _______(P), what is the effect of _______(I) on ______(O) compared with _______(C) within Prevention:

For ________ (P) does the use of ______ (I) reduce the future risk of ________ (O) compared with _________ (C)?


Does __________ (I) influence ________ (O) in patients who have _______ (P) over ______ (T)?

For additional information and tools about how to create you question, please visit:

The PICOT question is due in week II. Bring it to class to be reviewed and approved.

1. Introduction. Describe the health problem. Don’t type “Introduction”. (1 paragraph).

Using data and statistics, support your claim that the issue you selected is a problem.

What specifically will you address in your proposed health promotion program?

Be sure your proposed outcome is realistic and measurable.

2. Describe the vulnerable population. (1-2 paragraph).

What are the risk factors that make this a vulnerable population?

Use evidence to support the risk factors you have identified.

3. Provide a review of literature from scholarly journals (at least 2, one of those two should besystematic review supporting what you wish to accomplish) of evidence-based interventions that address the problem. (2 paragraph, one for each article).

After completing a literature search related to effective interventions for your chosen health promotion activity, write a review that evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of all the sources you have found and how this evidence supports your ideas.

4. Select and present an appropriate health promotion/disease prevention theoretical or conceptual model that best serves as the guiding framework for the proposal. (1-2 paragraph).

For this assignment a conclusion paragraph is not required.

Paper Requirements

Three to five pages in length (excluding title page, references, and appendices)

Follow APA format

Cite a minimum of five research articles, including the two sources you will use as body of evidence in the literature search, in point 3.


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