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Informative Speech

Informative Speech Instructions

Purpose: To inform. This speech is intended to give the speaker an opportunity to present interesting information to a specific audience. Additionally, as listeners, students will also learn to provide constructive, useful feedback to a fellow student speaker.
Outline: Required. Follow format and tips provided in class. Outline is due on blackboard PRIOR to the speech in class. You will not be allowed to speak without an outline.
Reference Page: Students will utilize at minimum, four outside sources (other than the text). These need to be varied and should incorporate a variety of sources. Sources need to be (1) orally cited in the speech, (2) in the reference page, and (3) be cited briefly in the outline. Students are cautioned against using more than two websites as sources, and are encouraged to thoroughly evaluate potential online source credibility. The typed reference page must be completed using APA format and is due attached to the outline, that is turned in on blackboard.
Time Limit: 6:30-7:30 minutes; student can use up to 2 Single sided note cards with writing on only ONE side of each card. Speaking from a sheet of paper is NOT acceptable and will result in point deduction.
Topic Description: The student may choose a topic and must present it extemporaneously. The student should choose a topic they are familiar with or would like to learn more about (it does not have to be related to communications). A chosen topic should be unique, creative and interesting to your target audience (your fellow classmates). Topics should be appropriate for the classroom and MUST BE APPROVED BY ME in advance. Topics are accepted on a first come, first serve basis. Overlapping topics between students must be discussed between students (I can help mediate), as students cannot use the same topic as others in the class. If a student changes a topic after they have secured approval from me, the speech will be docked one letter grade. All topic changes must be approved in advance.

Other important information:
• A visual aid is required for this speech. Students are encouraged to use technology. If using technology, always have a backup plan! Make sure that the chosen visual aid is an integral element to the speech and is legal and safe.
• Also, students will be required to listen and evaluate another classmate’s speech.
• You are required to attend class on all speech days, regardless if you are a speaker or an assigned listener. If you miss class on the day when you are assigned to speak OR listen, you may not be able to make up either (please see syllabus for further explanation of this policy). If you must be absent on your speech day, you must contact me (email is best) prior to missing your speech, or you WILL NOT be able to make it up. Do not just show up at the next class period and expect to present, unless you have my permission to do so PRIOR to the class period. If allowed to make it up, late speeches may suffer a point reduction even with an excuse, usually 20%. You may always present speeches early if you anticipate an absence on speech day. See syllabus for details.
• Do not to choose a topic you may want to use for your persuasive speech, as you cannot use the same topic twice.

This speech must be taken seriously. If it is my opinion that your speech does not follow the requirements I have given for this speech, you will lose all points for the assignment or be asked to present at a later date, if I am feeling generous, with a new speech, for a 50% point penalty/reduction.

Informative Speech Evaluation
Topic – 10 points
– Adapted to audience 5 4 3 2 1 0
– Narrowed appropriately 5 4 3 2 1 0
Introduction – 20 points
– Gaining attention 5 4 3 2 1 0
– Introduce/justify topic 5 4 3 2 1 0
– Establishing credibility 5 4 3 2 1 0
– Preview of main points 5 4 3 2 1 0
Body – 20 points
– Internal organization 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
– Transitions, previews, summaries, signposts 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Conclusion – 15 points
– Reinforce main idea 5 4 3 2 1 0
– Review main points 5 4 3 2 1 0
– Impactful closure 5 4 3 2 1 0
DELIVERY – 35 points
– Body movements 5 4 3 2 1 0
– Vocal variety 5 4 3 2 1 0
– Speech was extemporaneous (NOT memorized) 5 4 3 2 1 0
– Within 30 seconds of time target (7 minutes) 5 4 3 2 1 0
– Visual aid (neat, appropriate, organized, enhanced speech, effort in using technology) 5 4 3 2 1 0
– Oral citations were present (at least 6) 5 4 3 2 1 0
– Oral citation quality (reputable sources, check media bias chart) 5 4 3 2 1 0


Informative Speech Self Evaluation

Name: _________________________ Topic:______________________________________
View your recorded speech at home or at school. Answer ALL OF THE following questions as thoroughly as possible using complete, full sentences. (20 points total- 2 points each question). This completed sheet is due within one week of your speech date. You may attach additional pages if needed. Be sure that your response to each question merits 2 full points.

1. Evaluate the topic of this speech. Should have you narrowed it more? Or less? Was it a good topic for this assignment? This audience? Elaborate.

2. How well did you deliver and craft your introduction? Were all 5 goals met? How so- or not? Be specific.

3. Describe your signposts/transitions/previews/summaries. Examples? What pattern of organization was used?

4. What evidence (sources and supporting materials) did you use? Did you state 2 identifiers per source? How? Did you include all required sources? Elaborate.

5. Critique your delivery/nonverbal communication.

6. Describe the language techniques/choices made to convey the message to your audience.

7. How well did you deliver/ craft the conclusion? Were all 3 goals met? How so- or not?

8. What did you do well? What could you improve on? Be specific.

9. Assess at least one visual aid used in this speech. What will you improve on for the future in visuals?

10. What letter grade would you give yourself and why?


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