You may write your term paper on any topic that is directly relevant to our class or pertains to the information learned in this course. If you are not sure if your topic is relevant to the class, please email me and ask before working on your term paper. Papers that are off topic or not relevant to behavioral neuroscience will receive a failing grade. I have included a couple of suggestions for topics to write about
A historical view of neuroscience from its inception to now, including details on how the topic was discovered, historical view of methodology, and modern revelations, on any one (1) of the following topics:
Body Senses
Circadian Rhythms
Reproductive Behavior
Ingestive Behavior
Learning and Memory
Neurological Disorders ***** <---- my topic
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
Substance Abuse Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Describe the development of the nervous system from the embryo through the lifespan into adulthood
What does it mean for stress to be both physiological and psychological, and describe the neurotransmitter vs endocrine response to stressors
Other topics are welcome but should be approved first (or risk getting a failing grade for an unrelated topic). All papers should conclude with a modern perspective of the scientific question or understanding, as well as possible future directions of research being pursued.
The term paper should be between 1500 and 2500 words (about 6-10 pages) double spaced, in 12 point font. Your paper should follow APA guidelines, and points will be taken off for improper formatting (a cover page will not be necessary). The link below will provide you with a free guide to APA formatting.
Term papers should cite at least 7 primary research articles (not just review papers). You may also cite review papers as necessary, but try to keep citations to primary sources wherever possible. All information in your term paper should be properly cited with both in text citations, as well as a works cited page at the end.
Plagiarism will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Remember that papers are submitted to turnitin.com, which automatically checks for plagiarism not just from sources on the internet, but also to books, other students papers, and catalogues of papers written by students at other universities. Always use your own words, and properly cite your sources.
Historical Perspective and background information needed
Scientific Discussion of literature needed
Future Directions Needed