Research the customer relations/customer service reputations of two (2) companies of your choice (AMAZON & WALMART). Choose one company with an excellent customer service reputation (AMAZON) and one with a poor (or less than perfect) customer service reputation (WALMART). Suggestion: the larger the companies you select, the easier it will be to find information on them!
Supporting Research
Compare and contrast the customer service reputations of these two companies. Your paper will be divided into the following four sections and should address the question for each section (see the grading rubric for list of questions)
Introduction and Overview of the two companies selected
Company Strengths
Company Weaknesses
Company Threats
Company Opportunities
Additional requirements
Write a 1,500 word paper addressing these questions, using APA style and formatting. Pay particular attention to the accurate citation of your research sources.
Prepare an eight slide narrated presentation using APA style and formatting that summarizes your paper. Pay particular attention to the accurate citation of your research sources and images, charts, graphs, etc. used on the slides.