1. Review the Employee Questionnaire Results. Fill in the following table to help you analyze the strengths and weaknesses in each department, as well as where oppositions may occur.
Department Which area(s) do employees in each department feel most positive about? Which area(s) do employees in each department feel are of the greatest concern?
Maintenance and Housekeeping
Customer Service
General Operations
2. Explain how you would attempt to solve the challenges for each department at the management level (e.g., create more training opportunities, create new positions).
Department Proposed Solution(s) to Greatest Challenge(s)
Maintenance & Housekeeping
Customer Service
General Operations
3. Based on the survey, which departments might be more likely to resist structural changes? Why might they resist?
4. According to the Project resources, which types of groups are more likely to resist changes? Why do they resist change?
5. Based on the survey, which departments might be more likely to support a change in the organizational structure? Why might they support it?
6. According to the Project resources, why might some groups of people support organizational change?
7. How can all employees at SoHW react to, and expect to be impacted by, a structural change?
8. What are organizational politics? How might organizational politics interfere with a successful reorganization?