An analysis and research of “Why Apple and Samsung firms changes their boundary decisions from Buy strategy to Make strategy in the same technological change contexts?” This is the guideline and instruction for this “individual project” research report order. Please carefully read the guideline, instructions and structure of this project as mentioned below. − Your Task and guideline for this individual project: Topic of this individual project research report: An analysis and research of “Why Apple and Samsung firms changes their boundary decisions from Buy strategy to Make strategy in the same technological change contexts?” − The two company: Apple and Samsung − You are welcome to find other related sources and information and supporting graphs and data for this individual project research report. (**PLEASE assure all the resources used must be referenced and shown in the list of references in the end of this report. Thanks! **) − INSTRUCTION: -Please analyze, research and write the following 7 parts (including all sub topics) according to the topic of this individual project report. – PART 1) Executive Summary – 1.1 Background of the case companies (100 words) – 1.2 Product, Market and Capability description of Apple and Samsung for the related topic (200 words). – PART 2) Analysis on WHY Apple and Samsung firms switched their boundary decisions from “Buy” strategy to “Make” strategy for the same technological product (including all the sub topics as follows) (Instruction for Part 2, firstly, you should analyze why Apple and Samsung switched their boundary decisions from buy to make and choose “the same technology product”. For the selection of the same technological product of Apple and Samsung, I suggested you can choose to write about the smartphone camera technology because apple and Samsung company had done M&A for the smartphone camera technology. Such as Apple acquired the supplier of LINX and Samsung acquired the supplier of Corephotonics. For more detail, you can refer to the following links for your reference.