All written work must be word-processed using good English in font size 12. (1000 words).
Give your work a title with reference to the question selected.
1. INTRODUCTION (Approx. 100 words)
It is meant to inform the reader about three main things: what the student is going to do; why the subject is
important and for whom (i.e. contributions to theory and practice); and how this is going to be done. For
example the student could start by introducing:
– general issues regarding the subject/topic in question
– main questions/hypothesis to be tackled (if relevant)
– how these questions/hypothesis will be tackled (i.e. theory and empirical evidence)
– methodology (e.g. literature review + case studies + others?) (if relevant)
2. MAIN BODY SECTION (a subtitle here is advisable) (Approx. 800 words – Section 2 & 2.1)
This section develops the key issues introduced above i.e. by analysing the nature of the topic e.g. different
schools of thought; key concepts have to be defined. For example:
– make clear who says what (theories/authors) and why this is important for your analysis
– illustrate with cases studies/examples if relevant for your essay
– address the criticisms against the ideas/concepts/theories above (e.g. different theoretical perspectives in
relation to the topic; methodological problems to prove what has been said; lack of empirical information,
– the student may also have his/her own ideas which could support or contradict what have been said earlier.
This is the place to be critical on the subject
3. CONCLUSIONS (Approx. 100 words)
– summarise what has been done
– summarise the main findings of the study
– outline your own main reflections on the subject/study (i.e. what you have learnt from it)
List here all of the references cited or quoted throughout the text (e.g. books; handbooks; journal articles;
government reports, etc.) (use the Harvard referencing system).
Please see the following attached files:
1. An overview of assessment requirements (This has the full details of the Assignment requirement,
expected readings to cover e.g. textbooks, academic journals, videos etc).