In this project, accommodating existing dataset on ethnicity including African-American, Caucasian, Latino and others have accommodated significant articulation on dataset elements that are vital in the project presentation and determination. Significantly, datasets such as ethnicity, age, car, information types, confidence, stress level, recall color, stress score, and recall one to three are vital elements in the research. In this week task, accommodating fundamental question and detailed data analysis in the available dataset , there is significant need to determine the relationship between dataset such as ethnicity, age, car, information types, confidence, stress level, recall and stress in the American selected population , accommodate fundamental need for statistics and behavior analysis , embracing fundamental descriptive and inferential statistics for hypothesis test, relationships among other aspect of data analysis for effective research presentation and articulation. Therefore, accommodating fundamental questions such as stress factors in USA, percentage of American dealing with stress, race that is mostly affected by stress, relationships of stress with information type, age and ethnicity are vital articulation in the project data analysis and description for effective articulation on statistical behavior.
Questions concerning the nature or process of the project
1. What are the strength of stress Factors in the USA?
2. What percentage of American dealing with stress?
3. What race is mostly affected by Stress among African-American, Caucasian, Latino and others?
4. What are the relationships of stress with information type, age and ethnicity?